
by whadmin

19. There’s no business like Shoah Business

March 24, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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by whadmin

18. The Main Stream Media and the alleged Holocaust

March 24, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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18. The Main Stream Media And The Alleged Holocaust

The ‘truth-seeker’ Gathering & Presentation of News – or a blatant ‘truth-PERVERTING’ propaganda tool?

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

“The Main Stream Media never question the official narrative of the holocaust, and go on an all-out attack on anyone who does. They have created the term “Holocaust Denier ”  for anyone who doesn’t believe, or dares to question, the official narrative.
“Holocaust Denier ” is one of the multicultural buzz-words like “Fascist/Nazi/racist/homophobe ” designed to denigrate the person described as such,  and lead to “pack-attacks ” by the media, politicians and the general lefty PC crowd. However bear in mind that around 96% of the Western World’s media is controlled by Jews and/or Zionists. You will notice that the Jews/Zionist are willing to keep running newspapers/TV channels and other media outlets at a financial loss simply to keep control of the MSM.

The Jews and Zionists control about 96% of the Western World’s media – a large part is now run at a financial loss.”


My little life, just like yours, has been a turbulent voyage of constant discovery. I see myself as a tiny-tiny, short-lived mud worm, sitting up curiously, cautiously sniffing the air, on my three-inch high mud pile. With eagerness, even a song in my tiny beating heart. In a small, insignificant side valley of the Cosmos. Located, metaphorically speaking, an area that is Himalayan in topography. In the distance I can barely glimpse magnificent, tall peaks, covered in snow and swirling fogs. Tradition has handed down to me that those distant, mysterious peaks are merely the lower foothills, of much, much higher, greater, mysteries beyond. Around me, other mud worms. Some humble, accepting they know little, but beavering away to know more. Others, proud, posing on their six inch mud piles, spending their time snottily looking down on us, their neighbors. At the top of the valley? Well, I’m not allowed there, it’s exclusive, but a handful of ‘elite’ worms up there, they say, well, their mud piles? Oh-my-gosh. Really high.
But I don’t care. My little mud pile is just fine. And that proud, exclusive, ever-manipulative lot?  Who would never deign to talk to the likes of me? Who cares. They are still just short-lived mud worms.
With an attitude.

I always needed to roam, restlessly. My mind, wandering, far, far away. My outlook in many ways was tending part-way to the Buddhist way of mild-mannered, meditative thought. I still enjoy ancient Buddhist poetry. “The Clouds should know me by now”. (Red Pine).
I didn’t like fighting. I was surprised to discover I was good at it. If I had to? Uh-oh.
So what has this to do with today’s absurdly mis-named ‘Main Stream Media’?

I have, over the years, become increasingly appalled at the cynical, vicious abuse of Media Monopoly I used to recognize occasionally.
Now, long since, I see it every day.
And I think, at the risk of sounding pretentious, I also see the horrible damage that flows directly from that premeditated, criminal abuse. That saddens me.

The Jews own the Media. Come on. It doesn’t take much research.
They acquire Media Empires, and never let go. They don’t care if they run at a loss. They still hang on. Where is all that money coming from? That’s another whole discussion, but I use the term “Talmudic Mafia” with ice cold intent. And some contempt, as well.

1) If you, dear reader, can’t see (and agree) that there IS a DARK AGENDA, that there IS manipulation of facts and figures? If you can’t see the selective covering of THIS topic/event (in glorious, wall-to-wall techni-color) but the scrupulous avoiding of ANY (at all) mention of THAT topic-event?
Then, honestly, you surprise me.

2) I submit for your consideration that most people who ‘actually read & think’ (um, that’s my attempt at diplomacy right there) will agree. Yes, there is a DARK AGENDA.
The Problem comes in, when we try and define that Agenda. Unravel the beast.

Back to the Holocaust now.

The BIG MAMA Question:

Does the laughably mis-named, Jew-owned, ‘Main-stream Media’ tell the truth?
About the Holocaust?

Or does it go WAY out on an organised limb, flogging a dead-dead-dead horse, with a fictitious story, bogus as a chocolate ash tray, that marches on, propped up from all sides by hysterical screams of outrage, much tear-jerker, whilst carefully avoiding a million inconvenient facts?
***  Not to mention endless research, and break-through new scientific methods?
***  New document troves?
***  From techniques exposing (Nuremburg Trial) photographic (crudely) manipulated images?
***  To cutting edge ground penetration radar?
(no soil even disturbed, never mind no mass graves?)
***  From chemical sample analysis of alleged ‘homicidal gas chamber’ walls?
***  to relatively newly released (2008) Red Cross reports?
***  Not to forget relatively newly released Soviet archives?
Including captured German documents?  Camp death records?

The HUGE problems for the ‘six million’ march on, and on.

Dear Reader, YOU will be the decider of that BIG MAMA QUESTION.
I will happily accompany you on your journey, if you allow me. And, when asked, I will share with you my simple Holocaust home work. These humble notes. You may well see areas I have missed. Mistakes I have made. I will be delighted if you point them out.

With me as a companion? You will have chosen a ragged simpleton, a simple mud worm.

My little life, just like yours, has been a turbulent voyage of constant discovery. I see myself as a tiny-tiny, short-lived mud worm, sitting up curiously, cautiously sniffing the air, on my three-inch high mud pile. With eagerness, even a song in my tiny beating heart. In a small, insignificant side valley of the Cosmos. Located, metaphorically speaking, an area that is Himalayan in topography. In the distance I can barely glimpse magnificent, tall peaks, covered in snow and swirling fogs. Tradition has handed down to me that those distant, mysterious peaks are merely the lower foothills, of much, much higher, greater, mysteries beyond. Around me, other mud worms. Some humble, accepting they know little, but beavering away to know more. Others, proud, posing on their six inch mud piles, spending their time snottily looking down on us, their neighbors.

I’m just not intelligent enough to spin a web of lies, bud. The memory required for such an endeavor? Way, way exceeds my mental RAM.
I hope you’ll think I tell the best-as-I-can-manage truth, as I sincerely see it. That does not mean it IS the truth.

Just my very best efforts. Long hours.

Many a sleepless night.

Dreams, my friend. And the stars above.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:56 am

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by whadmin

17. Holocaust Denial Laws, and persecution for…. the asking of BASIC Questions??

March 23, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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17. Holocaust Denial Laws, and persecution for…. the asking of BASIC Questions??

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

In most parts of Europe questioning any aspect of the findings of the Nuremberg Trials is a very serious criminal offence on par with rape, murder or armed robbery. In France you can receive up to 20 years in prison, which may have to be served in solitary confinement. Even where it is not illegal questioning the official Holocaust narrative will probably cost you your job, family, house etc.

Despite this a lot of top writers, academics, historians and scientists have questioned the official Holocaust narrative or denied it entirely. Professor Ernst Zundel was put on numerous trials around the World, had his house firebombed, received death threats, his family broke up, was deported from several countries and eventually was imprisoned for five years in Germany. No other historical event can attract this type of punishment for questioning the official narrative.

Despite these threats, the official narrative is constantly exposed as being a lie and the Jews have to constantly change their claims when faced with irrefutable evidence of their lies.

Source: https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


The treatment of Holocaust ‘Basic Questioners’ is bad enough. The treatment meted out to outright ‘Deniers’ is off the charts. The more I’ve seen how such polite, composed, highly educated, genteel type folk have been treated?  In Ku-Ku-Kangaroo Courts? Come ON.
What a dead give-away.

“We Jews, (and our wonderful Zionist friends & collaborators), are SO cocksure of the undeniable TRUTH of what we are maintaining, that we are ABSOLUTELY forbidding you, under penalty of unspeakable horrors, of asking even the most BASIC Questions…!”

Does that make sense to you?

“We Jews, (and our…etc, etc), are hereby informing you the Holocaust is a Historical Fact. And as such, no discussion of it is permissible. Other than to totally agree with everything WE say about it.”


“We Jews, (and our…etc, etc), wish to point out that one of the highest German Courts has recently declared, that (literally) “the TRUTH is no defense”.

Double huh?

This is total logical gobbledygook. What OTHER rah-rah-rah ‘Historical Fact’ is out there that we can NOT openly discuss, dissect, examine under different light, is open to revision, re-interpretation, and wide-ranging critique? Including the life and times of Jesus??
None, to my knowledge.

If anything, this is a magnificent Talmudic own goal.
It comes not so much across as:
“The Holocaust is a Historical Fact”, as more:  “The cheese of the  Holocaust myth is full of  holes.”

It comes not so much across as:
“The TRUTH is no defense – end of discussion”, as more:  “WHY do you want to strangle the discussion?? What are you HIDING?”
“What are you so fearful of?”

Ursula Haverbeck in the interviews I have watched, comes across as balanced, reasonable, well informed, articulate, and honest. Her arch nemesis, Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, the driving force behind Haverbeck’s persecution, comes across as astonishingly bitter, and endlessly vindictive.
Here’s Ursula, and what you see is what you get:  Grandma, who was around at the time this stuff was hitting the fun fan in Germany. Who might just know a thing or two. Or twenty.

Here’s Knobloch, oozing the unassailable integrity of the ‘Historical Fact’ out of every pore:

Which one do you trust more?

It’s nuts. Clown world.

This is just an overview of the fate of leading Holocaust Revisionists. And the utter, barking, woof-woof, screaming non-logic that cockily tries to pass itself off as the epitome of Jurisprudence, Ethics, and the Jews’ view of (cough) World Wide Decency.

I have a lot more to write, in due course, about the work of individual Revisionists.


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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:56 am

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by whadmin

16-2. Balfour Declaration, opportunist Jews switching sides, the Kaiser’s 1916 Peace Proposals

March 23, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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16-2.  Balfour Declaration, opportunist Jews switching sides, the Kaiser’s 1916 Peace Proposals

Question:  exactly why where his peace overtures summarily rebuffed?

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

“During World War One the British Government had agreed with leading Jews that they would support a Jewish homeland in Palestine in exchange for the powerful Jewish lobby in America getting the USA to join the Allies. This led to the Balfour Declaration being made by the British Government promising the Jews a homeland in Palestine.

After discussions in the British Cabinet, and consultation with Zionist leaders, the decision was made known in the form of a letter by Arthur James Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter represents the first political recognition of Zionist aims by a Great Power.

After World War One the British Government were unable, or unwilling, to make good on this promise. From 1919 onwards the Jews claimed 6 million Jews in Europe were under threat from extermination unless they got a homeland in Palestine. This was 14 years before the Nazis came to power and 24 years before the alleged Holocaust started.”

Source:  https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


I saw a video of Theresa May, the busy-body, WAY-out-of-her-depth, lightweight, former UK P.M., and ‘Lord’ (of Darkness) Old Man Jacob Rothschild.  Of “My family created Israel” – fame. Theresa of course, the complete antithesis (in terms of poise) to Maggie Thatcher, bows and scrapes, acting more like a shy, over-awed, giggling little school girl, and together they then view the original Balfour document. Preserved under a glass cover, of course. The tone of the conversation is one of hushed awe. As if in the presence of a sign, delivered direct from the Almighty. A hint of the solemn, the cathedral, and that which can only be discussed in a whisper. Such a wonderful document! Oh, My! Emotion! Praise the heavens!


Makes me both deeply sad, and angry. I don’t write very well when I’m angry, so let me try and give you my simple, naively honest thoughts in as lucid a manner as this ‘poor player’ can manage.
I submit to you, dear reader, that the ‘Balfour Declaration’ is an odious document, soaked through in blood and a trillion tears.
I shall never forget standing alone in a small cemetery on Flotta, in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, in 1990. The events there directly led me to invest a year writing “Jeremy’s War”, my long first novel about the air war over France, in WW1. (on Amazon). It was a raining, cold day, low, scudding clouds, and that cemetery, certainly at that time, ( I don’t know about today), was poorly maintained. Tomb stones leaning over at a wonk, covered in moss, and the whole place a sad air of the forgotten, unkempt, uncared for. Yet there lay what were, at one time, the cream of the island’s young men. Eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-three years old. En masse, patriotic fervor, meaning so well, they marched off to World War One, flags and brass bands, expecting to be “Home for Christmas”, and four years later, that industrial, mechanized, tra-la-lah, whoopty-doo, White Christian, sausage BUTCHERY machine was finally switched off. It’s work beautifully done. All OVER Flotta you can probably still see the ruins of abandoned old cottages. The population of that island plummeted, the young women folk moved elsewhere, as the marriage age young men were almost wiped OUT.

And-for-WHAT!!!??? I ask you.

If you ever read “Jeremy’s War”, you’ll see I invested time in describing their departure, the train and the flags, the brass bands and the patriotic fervor.
And here… they lay. All around me. In the flower of their youth. Seemingly already forgotten. With tears streaming down my face, and the cold rain on my head, I promised them all I would write a story. That is one promise in Life, I have truly kept.

What… has that all to do with the Balfour declaration?

Read up on it for yourself, and correct me if you think I’m wrong. I’m all ears. But my sense is that nobody foresaw just exactly what a thundering, savage disaster this back-and-forwards, death-rattling stalemate would produce. Sure, people far away from the front lines were quick to profiteer, shamelessly, and fine patriotic speeches were made by noisy, harrumpy old goats in Parliament and other European halls of State, to much applause. After which, they could go home, to a well deserved supper, and a comfortable snooze in front of a warm fire. But by 1916, the sheer scale of the bloody meat grinder had become evident to even the most die-hard flag wavers & speech reciters.
Enter, upon center stage, the Kaiser.

Autumn 1916. He-was-offering to enter into negotiations for a cease-fire. PEACE. An END to the slaughter. No harm, no foul, everybody go back home.

Stop right there. I don’t see how anybody can dispute this. The evidence is right there.
The Kaiser offered.

So what happened then? Ah. Here is where the dispute comes in. Big time.
We know the British, after some reflection, declined the offer. And refused to even enter into negotiations.

We have discussed this before on GAB. People poured right in, solemnly quoting, for flip’s sake, as the ultimate authority, ‘Wikipedia’. (Why not run straight to the NWO for their preferred opinion?) They said that basically the British were ‘winning’, they knew they were ‘winning’, because of the British naval blockade of German ports. That was starving Germany both of food and vital industrial imports. So why give away such an advantage?

That’s almost the ‘orthodox’ view. I don’t share it. This is a huge and controversial area, and you can easily lose yourself in research, going after all the subtle twists and turns. I believe that, in late 1916, simple exhaustion had set in, even in patriotic Britain. A mood swing dramatically away from “Home by Christmas”, brass bands and fluttering flags. A bleak, somber realization that the price being paid to continue this insanity, was beyond horrendous. Elevating the inhumane to something ‘noble’ becomes more and more difficult, when the ghastly truth is being ever more loudly whispered out. Even screamed, on street corners, by activists, and from mental wards, by shell-shocked, macabre shadows of men.
Wailed, at funerals.

A critical moment. Successful peace negotiations then? Might just have shortened WW1 by the best part of TWO years. And a trillion tears. What ‘victory’ is it, when your young folk are being slaughtered by the galloping gross? For mere yards of muddy trenches?  Endlessly back-and-forth, like two salamanders locked in mortal combat?

So, what happened? Guess what.

Enter?  The Jews. The Talmudic Mafia, at your service. The psychotic, inbred robber tribe, out only for its own advantage, genetically (conveniently) bereft of compassion or conscience, spiritually dead, (or serving Darker interests), saw an opportunity.
A fine, interesting, opening.
And with ultimate cynicism, superlative selfishness, their well-oiled, well funded, political machinery went into action.

The rest, is History. Bloody, History.

“Hey, you Brits? Would you like us to bring America in to the War on your side?”
-Yes, please?-
“We can do that, you know.”
-Really? Wow. tell us more.-
“Um. There would have to be a quid pro quo, of course.”
– Uh…Huh? Well, we’re very interested.-

I paraphrase, but that, I submit, was essentially the gist of the Faustian bargain.

The British ‘nobility’, the always crassly mis-named ‘elite’, took the bait.
Gobbled it up. Rule, Britannia! If you want to believe that flowery humbug.
In taking that bait, these harrumpy old British goats uniformly tuned their backs on their Nation’s sons. (not their own boys, of course. They all had truly indispensable jobs, tucked up safely back home).
Never mind the severed limbs, eyeless skull sockets, spilled entrails, minds driven mad, and mothers bereft.
How could we now negotiate for peace? That just won’t do! That would mean throwing away all that useful, errr…, spent blood & guts. It makes much more sense to spill lots more blood & guts, to preserve the useful benefits of all the blood & guts we have already spilled.

The Jews went into action, overnight switching allegiance from Germany, to the British side. Quite a betrayal, when you consider that Germany (unwisely) gave sanctuary to, and allowed the Jewish Communist organizers in as refugees. After their failed 1905 putsch against the Czar in Russia. I know, I know, ‘Wikipedia’ paints it as ‘a spontaneous uprising’ of Russian peasants against the bad, bad Czar, but that’s another whole discussion.

The next thing their Media Machinery went into overdrive, printing all sorts of out-and-out rubbish and vile slander against the German military. Raping nurses, and bayoneting babies, etc. The Brutish Hun.
It was all pack of outlandish lies, as came out afterwards, but the Jews never -ever- worry about lying. Or being caught out. The end justifies the means.  It’s ‘no holds barred’ when the Talmudic Mafia dogs get a scent of (Christian, preferably) blood.

It worked, as it always does. Right up to the present day. Because the goyim are that pitifully naive. (Right up to the present day, I emphasize). The American public got all stirred up. And despite the fact that there were huge numbers of immigrant, hard-working German descent Americans…

America came in on the side of the Brits. Two more years of blood & guts.

Quid pro Quo?
1) The Jews got their blasted, accursed Balfour Promise.
2) Their banks (I quote) ‘grew even fatter’ on ‘Christian wars’.
3) And lots more pesky White Christians obligingly slaughtered one another.

What’s not to like?

So tell me, why, I should NOT see the ‘Balfour Declaration’, so fawned over by lightweight, giggly, Theresa May, as I have described above:

“an odious document, soaked through in blood and a trillion tears.”

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:54 am

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by whadmin

16-1. The Balfour Declaration, World War One And 6 Million Jews

March 21, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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16-1. The Balfour Declaration, World War One And 6 Million Jews

Part 1: “6 million, 6 gorillion, 6 trillion, woe-woe-woe-is-me!”

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

During World War One the British Government had agreed with leading Jews that they would support a Jewish homeland in Palestine in exchange for the powerful Jewish lobby in America getting the USA to join the Allies. This led to the Balfour Declaration being made by the British Government promising the Jews a homeland in Palestine.

After discussions in the British Cabinet, and consultation with Zionist leaders, the decision was made known in the form of a letter by Arthur James Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter represents the first political recognition of Zionist aims by a Great Power.

After World War One the British Government were unable, or unwilling, to make good on this promise. From 1919 onward the Jews claimed 6 million Jews in Europe were under threat from extermination unless they got a homeland in Palestine. This was 14 years before the Nazis came to power and 24 years before the alleged Holocaust started.

The Jews have been waving the 6 million figure around since at least 1914 and maybe even earlier – the number seems to have a special significance to them.

Source:  https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


Part 1: “6 million, 6 gorillion, 6 trillion, woe-woe-woe-is-me!”    'Noooo'

Many people have written about this. If you look at the attached image, we see lurid mention of ‘six million Jews’ in various newspapers, and notably the Jewish-owned New York Times,  way, WAY before World War Two. Way before Hitler came to power, way before the ‘Nazis’. It’s so transparently ri-di-cu-lous, let’s list them all, in case you don’t believe me.

1) New York Times, Dec 2, 1914: (see image)

2)  New York Times, June 6 (?), 1918:  “Six Million Jews, one half of the Jewish people throughout the world, are being persecuted… etc”

3) New York Times, October 18, 1918:  “$1,000,000,000 Fund to rebuild Jewry. Six Million souls will need help.”

4) New York Times, September 8, 1919: “This fact that the population of 6,000,000 souls in Ukrainia (sic) and In Poland have received notice through action and by word that they are going to be completely exterminated – this fact stands before the whole world as the paramount issue of the present day.”

5) New York Times, November 18, 1919 (blurred): “The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry”, he said, “and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease, about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.”

6) New York Times, February 23, 1920: “…most eloquent one. He called upon the Atlanta Jews to arise to the occasion, and to contribute to the emergency fund in order that the lives of six millions of Jewish people may be saved. Mr Rusland briefly pictured the conditions that prevail in the European countries in which the Jews are oppressed, and said that in view of the dire need of those people the members of the race who live under the blessings of the American flag are faced with a responsibility they…”

7) New York Times, May 7, 1920:  “The fund for Jewish war sufferers, in central and eastern Europe, where Six Million face horrifying conditions of famine, disease and death, was enriched yesterday by a contribution of $100,000 by Nathan Strauss. Rabbi Stepehen S.Wise announced the gift…”

8) New York Times, July 19,1921:  “Russia’s six million Jews are facing extermination by massacre. As the famine is spreading, the counter revolutionary movement is gaining, and the Soviet’s control is waning. This statement is born out by official documents presented to the Berlin Government, which show that numerous pogroms are raging in all parts of Russia and the Ukraine.”

9) New York Times, December 29, 1931: “Six Million Jews in Eastern Europe face starvation, and even worse, during the coming winter. If additional funds are not collected by the American Joint Distribution Committee to meet an estimated budget of $2,500,000 unprecedented havoc and misery will…”

10) New York Times, May 31, 1936:  “The petition, in expressing the opinion of enlightened Christian leadership in the United States, favoring a larger Jewish immigration into Palestine, stressed the intolerable suffering of the millions of Jews in “the European Holocaust”.

“Great Britain has it within her power to throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European Holocaust.”

11) New York Times, February 23, 1938:  “A depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews in Central Europe deprived of protection or economic opportunities, slowly dying of starvation, all hope gone, was presented to the teachers by Jacob Tarshis…”

SUMMARY of Part 1:

This ‘six Gorillion’ caper, THIRTY YEARS BEFORE THE (alleged)(hotly disputed) EVENT, is simply frickin’ fairy-tale, off-the-wailing-wall, wah-wah-wah ri-di-cu-lous. It ranks right up there with the Tooth Fairy, Father Christmas sliding down the chimney, and “I’m from the Government – I’m here to help.”
The ‘6 million Jews’ goes back to at least 1914, (seriously), and on some accounts, to well before THAT date, even. It has been hysterically repeated, in lurid and dramatic tearjerker prose, on multiple dates BEFORE WW2 even got a damp shot off. All the way up to the PRESENT DAY.

Excuse me. What was Hitler doing in 1914? He was maybe just about to give up on his dream to be an artist-painter, and be accepted into the Vienna Art Academy. Just another 25 year old, trying to find, and then follow, his young man’s dreams. About to maybe cross the frontier from Austria into Germany, and join up with a Bavarian regiment. Unknown, unsung. An utter nobody.
It seems a bit harsh to lay on his shoulders, at that relatively tender age, the GUILT of having already meticulously pre-planned the murder of six million Jews!
Thirty years LATER!

What was Hitler doing in 1918? He was still a humble Army message runner, dodging bullets & shrapnel, sloshing through trenches and mud, or maybe still recovering from temporary blindness after a gas attack in Flanders. Just another 29 year old, trying to make sense of a world gone mad. It seems a bit harsh to lay on his shoulders, at that relatively tender age, the GUILT of having already meticulously pre-planned the murder of six million Jews!
Twenty five plus years LATER!

Oh, but watch out! The ‘Six Million’ is stridently maintained by the Talmudic Mafia, on the Internet, in prose, poetry, books, film, music scores, “Holocaust” Museums, in the televised tales of “Holocaust Survivors” (who seem to grow in number every year), inscribed in concrete and marble, porcelain and silver, and piteously and incessantly wailed over. It is absolutely and firmly believed by millions upon millions of Americans, and if you are dealing with Evangelical Christians, THEY believe it as much as they believe (and can endlessly quote from) the Holy Bible. They also believe implicitly, still, that Israel is America’s finest ally. I despair.
Talking with them, even lifting one syllable against the “Six Million”? Is a guarantee of a look of pity. The sort of look they reserve for the hell-bound sinner. Chances are they will move a few feet away from you. After all, you might erupt in flames, struck by a heavenly bolt of lightning, any scary second.

The ‘six Gorillion’ is not even remotely supported by any FACTS. It is propped up by Hollywood drivel, deliberately misleading, pure psy-ops movies like ‘SWindler’s List’, and much of Europe languishes under Draconian LAWS against Holocaust denial. Look at what has happened to so many dissidents.

In short?  The ‘six Million’ is a blatant, howling, barking, woof-woof, extortionist, L-I-E.


But…. there’s more. Much more. The New York Times quote, of December 2, 1914?  As the earliest mention, that puppy just crumbled into the dust. Try 1850.

One of our Holocaust GAB group members, RaghnallMacPhadraig20 wrote:

“Here’s an exercise and challenge to those who believe the “holocost” lies. Ask them to find a film before the 1970’s that mentions “gas chambers” and “death camps.”….
Ask these people to search “NYT 6 million Russian jews 31st October 1869″ and ask them to explain.
Their reaction can be astonishing, but usually no answer at all lol!”

I thought, the way I do:  “Duh. Let’s try that.”

That led to this comment from me:

That was fun… Gormless here had to go straight out and try it.

1) no, couldn’t find a movie before the 1970’s that mentions “gas chambers” and “death camps”.
Never thought of that angle. Now there were plenty of war-time movies about.

2) the search for “NYT 6 million Jews 31st October 1869” promptly led me to THIS Codoh page:

And reading through that, means I can go back and update my own notes.
So, yesp, the ‘six million’ soap saga, like a dodgy ancestor hung for sheep stealing, can now be traced back to 1850.
Eighteen-fifty……… the Western World has been, is being, systematically brain-washed.

Relentlessly so.


Nah. Dream on. Another one of those Anti-Holocaust Hoodlums shouting at me, from the peanut gallery. Can I not rest? Nope. 'Hooligan'
(Damn good shout, actually.)

@CMichael wrote:

“Its much further back than 1850, its based upon the gematria in the Zohar aka mystical Judaism . if you have a puke bucket proceed. Based upon myth that 6 million Jews must perish before their messiach comes which to Christians is the antichrist


If you go to THAT link, you will probably blink, like I did, as you walk innocently, smack right into this article, quoted in full below:

(I’ve highlighted some parts in RED, especially the Hitler era references)

Kabalistic Gematria and the Myth of the Six Million

When someone is working a magic spell over you, the spell can easily be broken once you understand how the trick works. It is much like this with the Jewish Myth of the Six Million,which has successfully (after a couple of early 20th century false starts in 1919 and the early 1930s) been incorporated as

an inviolable article of faith into the actual empirical history of WWII.

If you understand the real processes concerning how the number of Jewish victims (or sacrifices) was arrived at, you will very easily be able to separate History from Myth, and there is a very significant difference between the two, no matter what traveling carnies and professional snake-oil salesmen like Elie Wiesel and Simon Wiesenthal may tell you.


This now well-known six million number is, in fact, not a number from the world of empirical history, but one from the realm of Jewish mysticism and the human religious imagination. It is a mystic multiple of the Hebrew letter Vav. The letter Vav (or Vau, Waw) = the sounds of the English letters V, W, or U, while numerically V (or V, W = 6 (as in the numeral six).

This Kabalistically sacred number 6 is interpreted as representing the concept of cosmic completion,as in the number of days it took G-d to create the complete world. This number also signifies the 6 directions of space (north, south, east, west, up, down), and the 6 points on the star of David. Within the cosmic completion notion attached to the number six, there is also the idea involving the completion of a circle or cycle, such as from exile to homecoming.

In the literature of the Kabala, such as the books of the Zohar, the number of 6,000,000 is considered to be the number of perfect souls times 10, with the number 10 representing the total number of Sephira, i.e. the divine emanations of G-d.

Alef, the first letter of the first word of Creation = 1 or 1,000. (1,000 x 6 = 6,000 x 10 = 60,000 x 10 = 600,000 x 10 = 6,000,000). This mystic sexagesimal (60-based) system was most assuredly adopted by Jewish scribes during their sojourn in Babylonia. The Babylonians, of course, borrowed this mathematical system from the earlier Sumerians. The three separate multiplications by 10 in this calculation can also each represent one of the three points on the sacred triangle? The pre-Judaic fertility symbol represented by the star of David consists of two sacred triangles, the one pointing downwards represents water and the feminine principle, while the one pointing upwards represents fire and the masculine principle. In this fashion, the symbol of the star of David can be interpreted to represent the Active and Passive principles of Creation united in harmony and equilibrium.

In the books of the Zohar, the Hebrew letter Yod and the letter He, which make up the first two letters of the divine Tetragrammaton YHWH, also represent, respectively, the male and female principles of Creation. YH (Yah), of course, is the name of the original Canaanite deity that the idea of YHWH is based upon. The number 6 is represented in the Tetragrammaton name of the Deity by W (the letter Vav). In the Zohar Book of Concealed Mystery it is explained that, by means of utterance, the sound of the letter Y(od) creates the worlds as an idea in the Divine Mind, and then later, with help from the feminine principle of H(e), gives form to these ideas as fabricated material reality after receiving Light from V(av) (or W). This provides the triangular, triliteral, trilateral name of YHW (Yod, He, Vav/Waw). Adding the extra feminine creative principle represented by the letter H, gives the full, ineffable Tetragrammaton of the Deity’s sacred name YHWH.


Aside from the multiple processes of Notariqon where every letter, or just the initials, medials, and finals, is taken to be a possible initial letter or abbreviation for another completely different word or Temura, where each letter in a word or phrase is substituted for either the letter that precedes or follows it in the Hebrew alphabet, one of the leading principles in the Kabalistic interpretation of sacred Hebrew texts is called Gematria. This involves a mystical analysis of sacred texts that operates according to various numerological principles. Every Hebrew letter has a sound as well as a numerical value, so by adding together all the numerical values of each letter in a word or phrase, different interpretations and analyses of a text can be arrived at. For example, the Hebrew letter Shin, with the sound sh, also has the numerical value of 300, which equals the total numerical value of all the letters in the phrase Ruach Elohim (RVCh ALHIM), the spirit (or breath) of the Elohim, from Genesis 1:2  R = 200, V = 6, Ch = 8, A = 1, L = 30, H = 5, I = 10, and M = 40; TOTAL = 300. In this way, the letter Shin, with its numerical value of 300, is interpreted by the Kabalists as symbolizing the spirit (or breath) of the Elohim [the God(s)]. It is this Kabalistic numerological process of Gematria which provides the prophetic Holocaust interpretation of a verse from the third book of Torah – Leviticus, Chapter 25: Verse 10. This six million number in the Jewish Holocaust narrative is a sacred numerological figure which was also spoken of by the 12th century Jewish philosopher Moshe ben-Maimon, or Rambam (Maimonides, 1135-1204).

“…and you shall hallow the fiftieth year. You shall proclaim release (liberty) throughout the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee (Heb: yobel, a ram’s horn) for you: each of you shall return to his holding and each of you shall return to his family.” (TORAH: Leviticus 25:10)

English translation from: TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures (The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text). Philadelphia/Jerusalem: 1985, p. 196.

This phrase, ‘you shall return’, from Leviticus 25:10 is written in Kabbalistic versions of the Torah as TShVU. Grammatically, however, this phrase should have been written TShuVU, but the letter Vav, which should follow the letter Shin, is MISSING! Another part of this prophecy of six million burnt holocaust offerings, followed by a tribal homecoming, is formed by adding up the numerical values of this grammatically incomplete phrase.

Tav = 400
Shin = 300
Vet (or Bet) = 2
Vav (or Vaw, Waw) = 6
TOTAL = 708

When the year of the Hebrew calendar is written, the millennia number is always 5, and is therefore never written (a kind of short-hand), so the 708 in this case can be interpreted by the process of Kabalistic gematria as referring to the year 5708, which just so happens to equal the Christian calendar date of 1948, the year when the modern State of Israel was declared.

The phrase (repeated twice) in Leviticus 25:10 TaShuVU (you shall return) can now be interpreted according to the principles of Kabalistic gematria as:
“you shall return (lacking, minus, or without the 6[,000,000] in the year [5]708).”


For this Kabalistically generated prophecy to actually be fulfilled, however, the Nazis would have had to actually cremate the bodies of 6 million Jews in their detention camp bread ovens. At this point, it then must be asked, that if Hitler had really planned to systematically exterminate the roughly 3 to 4.5 million Jews of Europe in his efficiently run German extermination camps, or ‘death camps’, why are there still several hundred thousand people walking around with IBM-generated detention camp numbers tattooed on their arms? Were the German Nazis really that incompetent? And what about the 150,000 assimilated Jews and mischlinge (‘mixed’) Jews who served in the German armed forces? How come Hitler didn’t round them up, seize their assets, and put them in camps?
(see: Bryan Mark Rigg, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, 2002.)

When dealing with Kabbalistic numerology, we are basically dealing with concepts of magic and power. Kabala is very much about the acquisition of power and control over matter through magic, and after all, the dictionary definition of a cabal is a conspiratorial group, so the understanding of Kabalistic processes is highly relevant to understanding the manipulations of modern power politics.

Because of this power-seeking numerological magic, the number of 6,000,000 cannot be changed or altered, even when the official death tolls at Auschwitz are reduced from 4,000,000 to 1,000,000 (The multi-volume, 1948 reports of the International Red Cross, however, put total Auschwitz deaths at the still sad and unfortunate number of 52,389).
For the ritualistic repetition of this magical Holocaust spell to continue working upon the minds of the goyim though, the 6,000,000 number must never be altered, hence all the international, anti-real-Holocaust research legislation. The secular religion that has replaced Judaism for many Jews is the religion of the Holocaust, and what gives this religion its power is the magical unalterable number of 6,000,000. And for the word holocaust (or burnt offering) to have any meaning in this religion, there is absolute necessity for the placement within this narration of the concept that these 6,000,000 were systematically sacrificed and burnt in ovens. Without this sacred fatality number of 6,000,000 and the Nazi ovens working round the clock for a mere 4.5 years, the entire Holocaust religion, in its two most important elements, falls like a house of cards and loses all of its power over the goyim.
Who knows, Christians worldwide might even take time out one day to shed a single tear for the very real 7.5 million mainly Ukrainian Orthodox Christians who died from starvation due to Stalin’s policies of punishment in the 1930s. Many of these Ukrainians who survived the famines were also sent to detention camps (in Siberia). Maybe the Christian world will build a memorial to them in Washington, D.C. and also say, NEVER AGAIN!

This Holocaust religion has been correctly and succinctly explained by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he said, They have fabricated a legend under the name of ‘Massacre of the Jews’, and they hold it higher than God Himself, religion itself, and the prophets themselves. With Holocaust museums as temples, it is a religion of exaggeratedly romanticized and glorified imaginary heroic martyrdom wherein the suffering of perhaps a million Jews during WWII is looked upon as unique and transcendentally separate from, and beyond, the sufferings of all other humans throughout the entire course of recorded or unrecorded history.

The only FULLY protected (by law) religion on earth is that of the Holocaust Faith. One can urinate on Christ or construct a Virgin Mary painting out of elephant dung in a museum and charge admission, but jail and never-ending social exile will surely come to anyone who questions the mythic burning sacrifice of six million bodies to the Nazi Moloch deity. Deny the legislatively protected dogmas of the Holocaust Religion and suffer the Inquisition!

The people who push for the Orwellian Trojan horse of anti-hate speech laws only serve the manipulative cabal of what might be called historical truth deniers. And they will not have an honest debate against any real historians on these issues because they know that their house is built on the sands of emotional fiction, and mystic mumbo-jumbo, and they would be fully exposed within the hour of the debating contest. Their power is the power to endlessly parse, obfuscate, and cheaply manipulate emotions (Ooo, what about the poor victims, don’t you have any heart?, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah…), but when it comes to logic, hard facts, or any kind of real documentary evidence outside of confessions acquired through torture and extortion, their part in this historical debate basically disappears. Stripped of their emotionally based content, they are left with nothing but a three-legged chair to sit on, very much like the fake version of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

The Holocaust House of Cards will come down, and the spell of the magical Kabalistic six million number over the emotions of the goyim and their generous, naive wallets will most assuredly come to an end. The truth of 9/11 will also be understood, and then Americans will take back their Republic, driving the money-changers once again from the Temple. In the meantime, the innocent Jews of the world would do well to soberly apprise themselves of this momentous international awakening to the lies of modern history.


The Kabbalah Unveiled, containing the following Books of the Zohar, The Book of Concealed Mystery, The Greater Holy Assembly, and The Lesser Holy Assembly. Translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers from the Latin version of Knorr Von Rosenroth, and collated with the original Chaldee and Hebrew text. London: Penguin Group, 1991.

TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures (The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text). Philadelphia/Jerusalem: The Jewish Publication Society, 1985.


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15-2. The Ever Changing Numbers

March 21, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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14. Star Witness To The Alleged Holocaust Elie Wiesel

March 20, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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14. Star Witness To The Alleged Holocaust Elie Wiesel – EXPOSED

Cigpapers wrote:

“One of the star witnesses to the Auschwitz allegations is Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel. Wiesel was born in Sighet, Romania on September 30th, 1928.
Wiesel has given evidence at various trials around the World on his alleged experiences in German camps during World War Two.
Wiesel is a well-known writer of fiction with over 40 published books. However it is his autobiography of Auschwitz, ‘Night’, which has come under scrutiny.
Firstly, Wiesel claims the bodies were disposed of by a secret Nazi method of using bodies to burn bodies – if this was scientifically possible wouldn’t they just use this method to burn the bodies?
Secondly Wiesel claims that his concentration camp number ‘A7713’ was tattooed on his left arm like all inmates, however video evidence shows no such tattoo and he has never explained where his tattoo went.
Thirdly his camp number, ‘A7713’, was assigned to a different prisoner and there is no record of him at Auschwitz despite all camp records being recovered after the War.
Fourthly in all his different accounts of Auschwitz Wiesel never mentions any gas chambers. Fifthly Wiesel makes bizarre claims about mass graves that would shoot fountains of blood up in to the air, this is also scientifically impossible.
Sixthly Wiesel claims he spent three weeks in the Auschwitz Camp hospital with an infected leg – would a death camp bother curing prisoners?

There are many other major discrepancies to his claims, and a read of his book ‘Night’ is recommended.

Source:  https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


You can easily find three important aspects of Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night’.

1) a million gushing reviews.
2) a book that features widely as required or recommended reading at schools
3) a book that has had just as much a massive impact on parents as well as on their children.

Here is one link:  https://bookanalysis.com/elie-wiesel/night/review/

I quote: “Night is Elie Wiesel’s best-loved novel, read today in schools around the world. This important personal account of the Holocaust follows Eliezer, a teenager whose (sic) deported, along with his family, to Auschwitz/Birkenau. He struggles with his faith, the horrors he’s subjected to, and the knowledge that humankind is capable of the sights he saw.”

Another: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/book-reviews/night

I quote:  “Parents need to know that the late Elie Wiesel’s Night is one of the most widely read and acclaimed Holocaust memoirs. Wiesel was 15 when he, his three sisters, and his parents were sent to Auschwitz. In spare prose, Wiesel recounts the unimaginable horrors of life in Auschwitz and Buchenwald and the loss of his deeply held religious faith.”

Another:  https://www.bfbooks.com/Night

I quote:  “Recommended For: High School
Night is Elie Wiesel’s masterpiece, a candid, horrific, and deeply poignant autobiographical account of his survival as a teenager in the Nazi death camps. This new translation by Marion Wiesel, Elie’s wife and frequent translator, presents this seminal memoir in the language and spirit truest to the author’s …”

One more:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1617.Night

I quote:  “Elie Wiesel, Night It’s been years since I’ve read this book, but as my son needed to read it for school, I decided to read it with him. I’m glad I did. I’m glad I did. Night , which is one man’s tragic yet remarkable survival of the Holocaust, is a powerful, shocking, heartbreaking, poignant, yet triumph-of-the-soul biography.”

Powerful stuff, eh? Do we sense here the making of GOOD people into SINCERE believers? I’d say so. Do we sense here the MOLDING of YOUNG, impressionable minds?
Is it any wonder how these parents, these children, would recoil in horror at somebody like… me? How they would see me as the devil incarnate? A secret Nazi? An unspeakably evil person?
I can see that.

But… what if? Dare I say it?

What if he was NEVER there!? Never in the camp!? He made the whole thing the hell UP!? His ‘personal account’ witnessing is therefore BUNK!?  Autobiography my hairy elbow!?  Full of fantastic inventions of his sick mind!?  A MASSIVE disservice to the WORLD!?  Full of errors, fabrications, misleading, unhelpful, contributing only to systematic LIES, SLANDER, and VILIFICATION of the German people??

What if all this is fundamentally pure PSY-OPS? Pure manipulation? Pure TOYING with impressionable young minds? Pure DECEPTION of well-meaning parents?

“No, you say, impossible!”  I hear the outrage in your voice.
Fine, I reply, explain to me then the SIX detailed objections described above! And there are many MORE.

“Oh”, you say. “Well, why would they DO that??” I hear the perplexed note of incredulity in your voice.
I suggest for gain. For advantage. For profit, both financial and emotional. Not to mention political and economic.

The deliberate manipulation and exploitation of other peoples. It’s in their sick nature. It’s inbred. It’s being going on for centuries.

“That’s harsh”, you say?

Yes. It is also, I submit, sadly, totally true.

Wiesel is a manipulative fraud, fake, and liar.

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‘Critical Mass’ in Holocaust Skepticism

March 20, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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‘Critical Mass’ in Holocaust Skepticism

Somebody wrote this, on the subject of Holocaust Skepticism, and it set me thinking:

“The critical mass will come. Then the real numbers, the real story will reveal the human lives turned upside down by war, bad policy, and post event opportunists.”

And I wonder, to myself.
Post-event-opportunists, indeed.
Will we one day reach ‘critical mass’ in Holocaust Skepticism? 'Speaking'
Where ‘the three stages’ are so amply in evidence, that ‘Holocaust Defenders’ will start feeling (for the first time) that they are being pushed backwards, onto the defensive?

To wit, an abundance of evidence of these ‘three stages’ becoming  the norm, not the exception?
1. Basic Questioning
2. Doubt
3. Denial
I don’t know. I ask you the Question.

The sheer ‘scorn’ with which Holocaust Defenders RAIN withering belittlement and condescension on their Questioners? Seems to me to belie their cocky swagger.
It was Shakespeare, was it not, who put his finger on the tender spot? Remember?

Thou protesteth too much…

I see a multitude of pertinent questions, piercing in their intensity, going right to the heart of the ‘Great Doubt’, that defenders of the ‘Six Million’ simply WILL NOT address. Hell, no. Run-run-run.

Tactic Number One? Dodge it, dodge it, treat the Rational Questioner with putrid contempt.

Tactic Number Two? Roll in yet another tear-jerker Holocaust ‘Survivor’, and interview the old dear (or, we strongly suspect, the lying old bat), with some toady interviewer playing to the gallery. The violins?  Oh, just SO, bud. Weepy-weepy.

I mean?  Come ON, Moshe. How long are you going to keep ‘the Grand Shoah Bluff’ going?
Are you really that confident? Or are you secretly worried as hell the dam is about to burst?

Of all the most mild-mannered, inoffensive men I ever encountered in the Holocaust Truther Brigade, one of the absolute most mellow and super REASONABLE birds -ever- was Ernst Zundel. I was watching a video of him trying to give a street interview, and a Jew with a ghetto blaster BOOMBOX insisted on playing it super loudly, utter gibberish, mere feet away, to deliberately disrupt the interview. All PROUD of himself the Boomboxer was. That delighted, sticky grin.
It was as if he was saying:  “Look at what I am doing here to combat HATE.”

Excuse me?

How rude and ignorant and, errr…. HATEFUL is that? I’d have been sorely tempted to clock you one right in-the-mouth. But no, Ernst Zundel just took it all in his stride. Never reacted. All in a day’s Holocaust Truther Work.

Then, after he passed away? This busybody know-it-all lady with a microphone, standing outside the house where Zundel formerly lived. The camera panning up the facade of the house, like you might still see old blood stains, or discarded torture devices. Some used manacles, thumb screws, an Iron Maiden with nails on the inside. In you pop, and the door slams shut.
But that’s not enough drama, eh?
So, guess what?  Down the sidewalk there just HAPPENS to walk…
A happenstance passing pedestrian.
Right. I believe that. Fix, fix, fix.
Crisis actress, conveniently arriving.

So now they can together stare up at the building front, marveling.
“Do you know WHO lived there??”
(shudders) (unspeakable horror)
The personification of HATE in Canada!  Oh-my-GOSH!  Ernst Zundel!  Can you BELIEVE that? He lived HERE? He organised his HATE campaign from THIS house?? Corrupting Canada??

Oh! We really need to tear it down. Burn the timbers. Bury the drywall.
Say a prayer. Maybe conduct an exorcism. Let’s petition the town Fathers!
Oh, woe is me!

What did he DO? That Zundel HATE monster? Did he deal drugs? Did he rape girls? Torture them?  Did he catch young men?  Subject them to hideous experiments, electrocution, and then bury them under his foundation? Did he have sex with the corpses??

No, worse. Much, MUCH worse.

HE DARED ASK BASIC QUESTIONS about the Stupid Shoah Grand Shekel Shakedown++++

Whaaaaaat……………….????    'Steam'

Burn the HOUSE down! And him too!
(You can’t. He’s already dead)   'Grin'

Seriously? You Jews? Grow up.


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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:30 am

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13. Winston Churchill, Ike Eisenhower, Charles de Gaulle, ALL, NEVER Mentioned the Alleged Holocaust

March 19, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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13. Winston Churchill, Ike Eisenhower, Charles de Gaulle, ALL, NEVER mentioned The Alleged Holocaust:

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

In his monumental six volume The Second World War Sir Winston Churchill, British wartime Prime Minister, never makes any reference to gas chambers or a planned mass extermination of European Jews. This is despite the fact he goes in to great detail about virtually every facet of World War Two including many atrocities committed by the Nazis. The same can be said about Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe.

After the Second World War, with the Cold War starting, Churchill stated “I think we slaughtered the wrong pig here ” a clear reference to the fact Britain would have been better helping Germany defeat Soviet Russia, or at least staying out completely.

Source: https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


I have David Irving’s books sitting on the shelf here. There is SO much information in there, I can’t possibly retain it all. I need to go back through it all, slow-time, and make sticky notes, like this series of Holocaust notes I’m doing here. Mostly for my own benefit, and you are surely welcome to use same, pitch in, suggest additions, etc.

One thing stands out, though. It beggars belief that both Churchill and Eisenhower would ignore the alleged mass extermination of MILLIONS (???) of Jews. I’ve tried hard to find a coherent argument made by Holocaust believers against this particular MASSIVE Holocaust sticking point.
I can’t find any such defense.
I’m wondering if there is any made, anywhere. If so, let me know. I get the impression that the Holocaust Mafia prefer to simply flat-out ignore bothersome sticking points. Relying instead on:

the massive success of Hollywood, in particular such tear-jerker movies as ‘Schindler’s List’.
School and University indoctrination
The illegality of even basic Questioning all over Europe
The elevation of Jews to a special status, immune from ANY criticism for any of their actions.
The power of Banking.
The ability to buy up politicians, judges, opinion makers, by the gross.
Like so many rotten apples.   'Steam'

Psy-ops at its ruthless best.

My attention has also been drawn to this simple fact:  “There is another authoritative memoir that fails to mention the supposed holocaust – Charles de Gaulle.”

Explain that, some Holocaust defender?

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12. No film or Photographs of any Homicidal Gas Chambers

March 19, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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12. No Film Or Photographs Of Any Homicidal Gas Chambers:

Cigpapers wrote:

“The Nazis were technology freaks, to say the least, and filmed and photographed virtually everything they did during World War Two. Hitler even had executions of his political enemies filmed so he could watch them with his cronies. However there has never been a single photograph or film found of any of the alleged gas chambers in operation. The Nazis did film, and photograph, themselves committing many atrocities across occupied Europe so it seems unlikely they wouldn’t film the alleged gas chambers. All the films we are shown of gas chambers are Hollywood recreations made after the war…”

Source: https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


The defenders of the ‘six million Jews’ traditionally pooh-pooh this, and say that ‘of course’ the Nazis wouldn’t be so damn foolish as to photograph or film their own war crimes.
That defense tries to totally stretch my imagination way beyond what is remotely credible.
How many people were running around with cameras and film equipment? Thousands upon thousands of military.  Add on top of that civilians? You are likely talking in excess of ten or twenty thousand potential archivists, or more, ALL of whom had to be “IN” on some massive, perfectly organized conspiracy?  The greatest cover up EVER??  And not ONE of these potential camera clickers, or wannabe movie makers, EVER succumbed to the temptation to capture a working homicidal gas chamber in full murderous, gaseous flow? Come ON. Absolutely NO WAY. 'Headshake'

It’s just a whole lot easier to accept that the reason that there are NO photos of working homicidal gas chambers?  That there are NO movies about working ‘homicidal gas chambers’?

There weren’t any…

Additional aspects & questions:

What Cameras were used in World War Two?   https://www.quora.com/What-cameras-were-used-in-World-War-II?share=1

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