Francis Meyrick

Terminology and Glossary

Posted on February 16, 2016

Terminology – Glossary

To avoid lengthy explanations every time, I use specific abbreviations.

AIA Anti-Immigrant-Allianceor,if you prefer, Anti-Islamic-Alliance
A loose and developing Alliance of all bodies who oppose the way the
TRIAD are bending over backwards to facilitate the smoothest possible
transition to the new Pan European Caliphate, and the imposition of Shariah

Fuzlim(s) FUndamental 7th century Muslim,(FUzzy beard), 100% believers in Shariah Law,
Muhammad was the ‘perfect male’, partied with the Arch Angel Gabriel in
a cave, Shariah WILL rule the world, or-else-off-with-their-Kaffir heads,
rah-rah-rah, Allahu Akbar, etc.
Note: I hold that the ubiquitous hate speech against all ‘Muslims’, is a
AIA major mistake. A huge own goal. The term ‘Muslim’ is a vague
one, but many people who are in ancestry and origins hail from a Muslim
background, will feel slighted, and included as the objects of such hate.
That drives them straight into the welcoming arms of the ‘Fuzlims’. In
truth, many of them loath and distrust the ‘Fuzlims’ just
as much as we do.

The Goose & Gander Conundrum What’s totally inadmissible for the fundamentally
Peace loving Patriotic Goose, is absolutely okay and just
a matter of ‘Culture” when much worse actions involve the
furiously angry Islamic Gander

Paper Mill Syndrome A figure of speech that mocks the Triadic tendency to turn two
blind Eyes (and two deaf ears) to Fuzlims blatantly burning
down the entire Paper Mill, whilst simultaneously jumping
hysterically all over an AIA supporter who DARES to drop a used
cigarette butt on the street.

TRIAD Existing Anti AIA Alliance. Three Entities: Government, Media and Police.

TRIADIC The tendency of weak Government, infiltrated, and pathologically fearful of
upsetting Islam, to ally with PC Left Leaning Media, combined with
demoralized and Politically tightly controlled Police, to apply wholly
unequal standards of enforcement of supposedly ‘impartial’ Law and Justice.
See the ‘Paper Mill Syndrome’.

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on February 19, 2016, 8:31 am

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