Fear of long words
Posted on November 27, 2007
I’ve finally found the word I was looking for.
It means ‘the fear of long words’.
The word is (this is serious!):
4 responses to “Fear of long words”
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And I’ve found a new word to use… Thank you!
So have I… "Goober". (that’s for the Possum).
Actually , this is serious. I never knew that was the alternate spelling for Hippopotomus. I think I really ticked one off the other day and he called me a word much longer than that with many more syllables.
He must have been from South Florida because he walked off mumbling something about sunny beaches.
Funny stuff, Connolly…
Simply, Le’
oh yeah you didn’t know about that word? It’s also the second longest word in the english language.
I use it ALLLLL the time!
Hiya, Kevin!