Posted on June 24, 2008
Today was a beautiful sunny day
with no clouds on the blue sky
the weather was perfect
we were sitting on the patios
sipping tea – it was shortly
in the afternoon when
all of a sudden
a black cloud appeared
on the sky and all I could see
was the lightning.
There was a thunderstorm
on the way – the silence
was in the hot air
I could hear only a static
that accumulated from the heat
“unusual silence, ” was in the air
right before the storm
I could sense – the last few days
were scorching like a flame.
Always enjoy walking in the rain
but at this time
it was huge thunder
with a strong lightning
crossing the sky
single droplets start pounding
on the ground
and the dust formed bubbles
that I could see-as for me
the smell of the rain was very different
I was not sure why?
The rain was getting stronger
and began to pour
I have listened to the radio tunes
to see if there are any local warnings
suddenly, I’ve heard the voice
an announcement on line
there will be power shortage
because of the thunder lightning
hitting a huge tree near by
damaging the power lines.
As much as I wanted to go
for the stroll that day
it was impossible after all
with the unexpected rainfall
no power for several hours
the time was running slow
as you can imagine-
the silence was incredible
because the appliances stopped working.
My desire for walking in the rain
was dimmed because
of the unexpected change
in weather conditions
Mother Nature played a trick on us
with the thunderstorm and the rainfall
that plummeted on the ground
from heavens above
no one knew that day
about the sudden weather change
so my plans for having
“just the walking in the rain, ” has fell.
© 2008 Zuzanna
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