Posted on May 30, 2008
Last week of May 2008,
it is almost gone – one more day
With June on its way.
Time flies, children grow.
People share joy,
Happiness and sadness.
Life goes on.
The hands of time never stop
soon another month,
and then another year will be over.
Time is like a river flowing day by day.
Enjoy your life, smile and I smile too
be happy and blessed
this is my wish for you.
Dear friend do your best
Get some rest-
Take deep breath – Relax.
Life is beautiful when shared with friends.
© 2008 Zuzanna
2 responses to “Contemplation”
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Hi Zuzannah…
I love the word, and the concept, of ‘contemplation’.
It seems none of us do enough of it. This crazy rush of Life…
"Time is like a river flowing day by day."
Where contemplation is concerned, meditation, musing, dreaming, pondering, prayer… what ever you want to call it… of one thing I am convinced:
We need it more and more. And we are able to enjoy it less and less.
"People share joy,
Happiness and sadness.
Life goes on."
Years ago, I found myself thinking that in our lives, we should at least find the Questions. We might not find the Answers, but to at least ponder the enigma, the mystery of Life, Death and the Universe… that is a great step in itself.
I really wonder if many people are afraid to stop and think. The radio has to be on. The television. They have to be driving fast. Talking fast. Walking fast.
Back to your image of the river, flowing past. Steadily. Reliably. Relentlessly.
"Enjoy your life, smile and I smile too
be happy and blessed
this is my wish for you."
Many would remark that it is hard to be happy. I find myself referring to a word that might be more descriptive of the best state we can hope for. "Contented". Not in the sense, hopefully, of a fat, purring, over fed ‘contented’ cat… but more in the sense of "at peace". At peace to try and change the things we can, and "at peace" to accept that many things we cannot change, and we have to accept that, and be at peace with that as well.
"Dear friend do your best
Get some rest-
Take deep breath – Relax.
Life is beautiful when shared with friends."
That is good advice! The best part of Life is hooking up with like minded gentle folk, with whom one can share. And I guess that in a way is what this website is all about…
Thank you so much for the fine comment on my latest write.
It was purely my thoughts put on paper.
Life really goes to fast!
I appreciate your comment…
Warm Regards,