

Posted on April 24, 2008

My Grandma’s Story

There are many faces of the Moon.
Additionally its phases often change.
Always had, and still have
Great impact on people:
Moon in fact has been one of those,
Mysterious, fascinating Orbs.

I was a child when one of my uncles
Visited his friends-
It was dark at night,
However, when the Moon
Raised high on the sky
The night became much brighter.

There were chills over his skin.
He could feel the cold air around him.
Walking alone that night,
He did see, a black bird sitting,
on near fence-he was scared.

The bird was not moving,
my uncle managed get home.
The next day he told the story,
to his mother, what later found,
A ghost looked like,
Phantom appearance
that for anyone could be scary.

History tells us that many years ago,
there was a son living at home.
Mysteriously died one dark night
Not one person knew
Why this young man took own life
Then, there the black bird appeared.

All who knew the story?
Was quite scared walking by?
That place looked spooky at night.
My uncle believed that
it was a wondering soul,
which looked like a bird?

I was young hearing the story
and wondering about that.
My Grandma quite often
loved to talk to my uncle-
“Do not go places all alone,
When the Moon gets full
it can be scary “.

I heard them often speaking of
these unusual appearances-
Story, that brought chills,
Goose bumps to my skin.
Not sure, about an unknown
one might never know…
However, one thing is sure
there is the dark side of the Moon.

© 2008 Zuzanna Musial

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