
by whadmin

Reflections on HolocaustGAB.com 3-30-21

March 30, 2021 in HolocaustGAB

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Reflections on HolocaustGAB.com  3-30-21

Staring in quiet disbelief, not to mention quiet sadness, at the attached (on target) meme, I find myself, as per not unusual, sleepless and perplexed.
Wondering how we ever got here. I never saw it coming. Did you? I sensed big trouble. But nothing like this. How did we get here, and what's happening in this little spaceship, our world? Our only home, in the vast Universe? Our little place, that needs nurturing. Over which we fight, and hate, ceaselessly.  And destroy.
And what can I, a poor church mouse, do about it? Nothing has changed, since I wrote, in my profile:
“Who, indeed, am I? Save just another, tiny, curious, inquisitive mind? Peeking, like a little church mouse, out at the Universe? Exploring the Cosmos?”
And yet, things have changed. I sense a better approach has been found. A better M.O.
In our sister groups (# 187 and # 2488) we soon built up 1000's of members. A TON of information lies buried there, and it's almost impossible to go back and FIND it all.
Nor could my feeble mind possibly retain it all. Too much like drinking, parched, from a fire hydrant.
In this group, 2412, the 'notes section' HolocaustGAB.com has helped me, at least, (if nobody else) build up a better memory structure. A more accessible reference & links archive.   It's the on-point inputs from Internet spirits, often insightful 1 and 2-liners, that have helped me build out what feels like a better grip on the true-or-false debates over the  'six million'. Of course, the more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. Par for the course. @jondoman007 beats up on me regularly for (his words) 'obsessing on the Holocaust', to the detriment of all the Other Awful that has taken place, or is taking place.  I actually quite agree with a lot of what he grumbles about.
The problem, however, is structure, archiving, absorbing, retaining. As opposed to going off in a million directions, blowing your tiny mind up.

Looking at HolocaustGAB.com, for the next while,  I'd like to try and make a-post-a-day, and work my way through completing paras 20), 21), 23) and the 'David Cole' set of '46 important unanswered questions regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers.'
There's a bit of mischief-making going on with my 'Moggy and Mordechai' pretend-debates, might play around some more there.
But after that, I think I'll take a break from the 'six million' and examine maybe the Holodomor, the Armenian massacre, or Peter McLoughlin's 'Easy Meat'.

Finally, check out the slow building up of my NEW website. The problem with the OLD Writers' Harbor is that the software behind it can't be easily upgraded, to allow for useful plug ins.  We are slowly building up a parallel NEW site, using WordPress, which will allow for many plug-ins, such as video storage. That hopefully will defeat the endless bugbear, where censors like Google and YouTube, etc, imperiously delete anything they happen not to like.  There are other benefits as well. Faster upload, for one. It's real ROUGH still, work-in-progress, but you should find it as www.newwritersharbor.com    Click HERE.

Thank you for supporting my tiny, struggling mind, as it feebly (but honestly) tries to reduce the duh-load of 'dumb' it admittedly contains.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 30, 2021, 5:50 am

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by whadmin

HDOT article on Treblinka

March 29, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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HDOT article on Treblinka

Operation Reinhard Mass Graves: Krege Investigation

This takes a bit of reading. It’s structurally a well laid-out article, and easy to follow.  It does not immediately jump in to shrill emotion.
I realize I read this quite a long time ago, and accepted it, at that time, at first glance. Time has moved on, and now I’m trying to remember where (and what) I read other people writing about this very article. There is such a mass of information out there, that I find that I simply have to take notes as I go along.

I do have several issues, at first glance, that I’ll list here.
1) I attach the ‘bones pit’ image from this article. It is, at first sight, horrific.
The concern, that many will have is simple:
A. how do we know it’s from Treblinka?
B. How do we know it’s dated correctly as ‘summer 1945’?
We know only the source quoted as J. Gumkowski, A. Rutkowski.  Members of:  “Treblinka, Council for Protection of Fight and Martyrdom Monuments, Warszawa 1962”
and “author, unknown”.
It has been widely alleged (and frequently substantiated) that many photographs used, at  the Nuremburg Trials, were either faked, or ‘borrowed’ from other sources and tragedies, such as the Ukraine Holodomor, or the Russian Siberian labor Death camps.
That is NOT to claim this one is also such. I simply don’t know that. But like those Evangelical Christians who handle REAL rattlesnakes during their church services? The caution-before-proceeding seems reasonable.
I searched https://www.gfh.org.il/eng and I attach another image of “a heap of ashes in the Treblinka camp” (catalog no 11341). Exact same comments.
2) The article says:  “Before Treblinka was abandoned in November 1943, the camp buildings had been bulldozed down to their foundations and covered with sand. The mass graves had been dug up, the remains cremated, and the pits refilled and re-covered. On top of that, local Poles peppered the ground with holes as they dug in the dirt, searching for valuables that had belonged to the murdered Jews.”
This statement is problematic for me.

Using the list of ‘Holocaust sticking points’ I have been slowly compiling,
(here:  https://newwritersharbor.com/the-holocaust-honestly-questioned/)
I respectfully submit MANY of those points apply here. In particular, the following points might be especially invoked, by any reasonable, fair-minded observer.

1. Red Cross records      (contradict this)
2. Aerial reconnaissance photos     (show no such activity)
9. Nuremburg Trials   (later debunked and discredited as rampant fraud)
10. Disposal of bodies     (you are talking a MASSIVE undertaking here; mass graves dug up, remains cremated, pits re-filled and re-covered)
13. Churchill, Eisenhower & de Gaulle (NEVER mentioned any of this alleged epic work)
15-1.  Fake Photos & Film; cutting edge technology at the time, now easily debunked

That is not to say I did not find this article interesting and useful. In particular, it focuses some attention on the GPR (Ground Penetration Radar).

I would like to understand that important area better.

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by whadmin

HDOT article on Treblinka

March 29, 2021 in Holocaust Stories

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HDOT article on Treblinka


This takes a bit of reading. It's structurally a well laid-out article, and easy to follow.  It does not immediately jump in to shrill emotion.
I realize I read this quite a long time ago, and accepted it, at that time, at first glance. Time has moved on, and now I'm trying to remember where (and what) I read other people writing about this very article. There is such a mass of information out there, that I find that I simply have to take notes as I go along.

I do have several issues, at first glance, that I'll list here.
1) I attach the 'bones pit' image from this article. It is, at first sight, horrific.
The concern, that many will have is simple:
A. how do we know it's from Treblinka?
B. How do we know it's dated correctly as 'summer 1945'?
We know only the source quoted as J. Gumkowski, A. Rutkowski.  Members of:  “Treblinka, Council for Protection of Fight and Martyrdom Monuments, Warszawa 1962”
and “author, unknown”.
It has been widely alleged (and frequently substantiated) that many photographs used, at  the Nuremburg Trials, were either faked, or 'borrowed' from other sources and tragedies, such as the Ukraine Holodomor, or the Russian Siberian labor Death camps.
That is NOT to claim this one is also such. I simply don't know that. But like those Evangelical Christians who handle REAL rattlesnakes during their church services? The caution-before-proceeding seems reasonable.
I searched https://www.gfh.org.il/eng and I attach another image of “a heap of ashes in the Treblinka camp” (catalog no 11341). Exact same comments.
2) The article says:  “Before Treblinka was abandoned in November 1943, the camp buildings had been bulldozed down to their foundations and covered with sand. The mass graves had been dug up, the remains cremated, and the pits refilled and re-covered. On top of that, local Poles peppered the ground with holes as they dug in the dirt, searching for valuables that had belonged to the murdered Jews.”
This statement is problematic for me.

Using the list of 'Holocaust sticking points' I have been slowly compiling,
(here:  https://newwritersharbor.com/the-holocaust-honestly-questioned/)
I respectfully submit MANY of those points apply here. In particular, the following points might be especially invoked, by any reasonable, fair-minded observer.

1. Red Cross records      (contradict this)
2. Aerial reconnaissance photos     (show no such activity)
9. Nuremburg Trials   (later debunked and discredited as rampant fraud)
10. Disposal of bodies     (you are talking a MASSIVE undertaking here; mass graves dug up, remains cremated, pits re-filled and re-covered)
13. Churchill, Eisenhower & de Gaulle (NEVER mentioned any of this alleged epic work)
15-1.  Fake Photos & Film; cutting edge technology at the time, now easily debunked

That is not to say I did not find this article interesting and useful. In particular, it focuses some attention on the GPR (Ground Penetration Radar).

I would like to understand that important area better.

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by whadmin

Introduction, and the persistent problem of ‘the Grand Woof-woof’

March 28, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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Introduction, and the persistent problem of ‘the Grand Woof-woof’

GAB has some really sophisticated observers, and they contribute keen insights, and on-point one-liners, that I for one am grateful for.
I submit many of these folk would express similar cautions about the ‘Echo Chamber‘ as I will discuss briefly here. The hazard (you see this all over the Internet) is that you get too many like-minded people together in the same spot, whose noisy mutual-agreeing tends to put differing, or contrary opinions off. Such contrary opinion-holders may even be met with instant hostility. This quickly leads to what I term, dryly, a ‘Mutual Admiration Society‘. Such a society may be satisfying, but it is always in danger of breathing in increasingly stale air.

Enter, that most divisive topic of all, the ‘six million Jews’.
I used to believe it. I grieved at what had occurred. Tears rolled down my Irish cheeks the first time I saw the “Schindler’s List” kids run and hide quickly, terrified, in the latrines.
I was terribly moved by the ‘frantic scratch marks’ left behind in the homicidal gas chambers, by dying Jews.
The list goes on.

Then I started digging. Along the way, kind Internet guides helped me along. There was that anonymous person, who (very gently) introduced in me the awareness of a very simple problem: it’s called ‘nails versus concrete’. Who wins?

My point is that I sympathize with who I was. I wasn’t a bad fellow. Quite a bleeding heart, I suppose. But also rather gormless. I didn’t really have a clue, but I felt (in my uninformed innocence) that I knew plenty enough to be furiously indignant with those neo-Nazi Holocaust Deniers.
Yes, it’s been a long road, since first I started asking questions.

The presence of Holocaust DEFENDERS is therefore in principle VERY WELCOME.

But now it gets… sticky. In our GAB Holocaust Group, (https://gab.com/groups/2412), we frequently run in to a TYPE of ‘Holocaust Defender’ who simply does NOT contribute anything meaningful. Sure, heaps of epithets. Condescension. Heavy Sarcasm. But when they are asked questions? When we refer them to www.HolocaustGAB.com? Or the ‘Holocaust Normie Challenge List’? When we invite them to pick ANY topic they like? Any single one?

Forget it. Run-run-run. Over, and over again.

That simply does not help the conversation. Nor does it do anything to combat what I dread the most, the stale air of the ‘Echo Chamber’.

I was looking for a simple term to describe this phenomenon, and until somebody comes up with a better one? I’ll go with ‘the Grand Woof-woof.’

Here, have a look at this exchange in our GAB Holocaust group.

@Semidetached makes his first post:

“Oh, look. A classic piece of shit Jew hater. Block this sonofabitch.”

I debated ignoring him. But, I thought I’d try very gentle irony.

I quoted his remark, and wrote, above it:

“Clearly, the ‘other side’ are very confident of being able to easily refute our many factual & empirical objections to their Holocaust narrative.
They are clearly very eager to respectfully point out the errors we have innocently made.
With their sophistication, superior intelligence, I know we can look forward to reasoned, polite, constructive debate.

Oh, wait…”

Well, his buddy I guess, jumped in then.

@Pitenana wrote:

“All Nazi whitewashing arguments I’ve seen so far are either based on factual distortions by biased sources or point to insignificant details, and eventually deteriorate into a flood of canned memes and shitposting. Plus, even if I disprove your “factual objections”, will it change your opinion? Arguing with a cultist is rarely productive.”

I replied:

1) ‘white washing arguments’ implies we are liars. That’s kind of quite rude.
2) ‘factual distortions by biased sources’
Let’s hear a few. I’m curious. I never seem to get many such references. Lots of promises, but when it comes down to putting down the words?
never seem to get much.
3) point to insignificant details.
Here’s a list I have compiled so far. Pick any one.
4) ‘a flood of canned memes’
Plenty of written text available for your perusal.
5) ‘and shit posting’. Again, that’s awfully, unnecessarily, rude.
It doesn’t come across as that you are very confident of your facts, when your statements are laced through with generous helpings of open hostility. Rather condescending too, kind Sir.
6) “Plus, even if I disprove your “factual objections”, will it change your opinion?”
Most certainly. I shall be delighted. If you point out an error, in anything I write, I shall correct it, and be obliged to you.
7) ‘Arguing with a cultist is rarely productive’.
Again, very, very rude.
The solution is simple: “don’t argue.”
Read what I write. Point out errors. I shall be more than pleased to hear your rational input.
With a little less bluster, perhaps?”

I meant it. Why argue? Let’s ‘discuss’. In a calm fashion.  I might learn something.

Did I try? Hard? I think so?  'Worship'

His reply:

“As I said, there is absolutely no point in arguing with a cultist. I’ve been through that too many times to waste my efforts. Half the list of “talking points” on the linked site are so retarded that they don’t deserve a mouthful of spit, not to speak of debunking.
You have the right to an opinion. I have to the right to want you and your ilk isolated in a padded room.”

I shrug shoulders. Hell, I tried.

My final word was that I quoted his ‘reply’, and wrote:

Grand-standing ‘Woof-woof’

“This, below, is what I might term classic ‘Grand-standing Woof-woof’ followed by ‘run-run-run’.
1) Enter, grandly, upon the stage. Thrusting themselves forward.
2) The fine swagger, oozing confidence.
3) He speaks his lines: we, the simple, ragged, unwashed, humble ones, wait, eagerly.
He throws plentiful scorn and contempt our way. He implies, no he flat out states, that his knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust is vast. And that we, poor souls, are dim.
4) we, eager to test our knowledge, and learn, offer a carefully documented list of what we term Holocaust ‘sticking points’.
We respectfully ask him to pick any one. Any -single- one.
We wait.
5) ‘Grand Woof-woof’ then replies as below.
Some more quite uncalled-for insults, and, so it seems, exit stage left.
I did not insult him in the slightest. I was scrupulously polite.

What am I to make of this fine, but very brief it seems, swagger across the stage?”

And there I left it. I’m busy. Too busy for games.

It’s regrettable. I’d like to see some staunch ‘Holocaust Defenders’ turn up who are willing, and able, to address issues like intellectual adults. As opposed to petulant children.

A cynic might comment here that the way they behave? Straight into

Might suggest that the ‘Holocaust’ and the ‘Six Million’ is, in essence empirically wholly indefensible. And most of them know it.
They know the ‘Six Million’ is Swiss Cheese.
That their ONLY recourse is to take it quickly to the hyper emotional level.
Preferably, with sad, tearful interviews with ‘Holocaust Survivors’ carefully cherry picked.
Legions of whom have already been unmasked as complete fakes, I’m sorry to say.

The same cynic might add: “And that’s why it’s strictly illegal in many parts of Europe to even ask those questions. And why the ADL and the Jewish Lobby are hell-bent on bringing the same Holocaust Denial Laws into the US.”

You can query Jesus Christ, but don’t you dare touch the ‘Six Million’. That’s holy, son.

I have opened a section here in the notes for ‘Holocaust Defenders’ who can usefully advance the conversation.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 8:54 pm

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by whadmin

23. Controversy in the Ukraine – how many Jews were really ‘massacred’ there?

March 28, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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23. Controversy in the Ukraine  –   how many Jews were really ‘massacred’ there?

I’ve had Holocaust proponents airily dismiss my detailed listing of (what I term) ‘sticking points’ with the ‘traditional’ Holocaust narrative.
They appear to say that if there IS a ‘shortfall’ (of dead Jews) in the German concentration camps, that this is more than ‘made up for’ because of the number of Jew deaths that can be counted as ‘Nazi atrocities’ in the Ukraine, and elsewhere in parts East.

One such Holocaust defender calmly went so far as to write (on GAB), that he thought the ‘true’ figure of murdered Jews was closer to ELEVEN million. He cited the ‘Einsatz Gruppen’ and other atrocities carried out by the Germans in Poland, Russia, and the Ukraine.

Given the population numbers, well documented, I’d say, (including derived from JEWISH sources) of the world population of Jews immediately before and after World War Two, we are thus asked to believe that either those population numbers were flat wrong, and understated. Or that the issues of the exact number of deaths in German concentration camps are relatively irrelevant. Given the vast ‘reserve numbers’ of dead Jews that were massacred (by the Germans) elsewhere. A bunch of spare ‘Dead Jews’, in other words.

I submit this smacks of non-serious gamesmanship. With even a hint of desperation.
Nonetheless, I am opening this section, Part 23, to start collecting information in this area.

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 4:59 pm

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by whadmin

To deny this happened is to call thousands and thousands of survivors abject liars

March 27, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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To deny this happened is to call thousands and thousands of survivors abject liars

@Free2Engage wrote:

“I can tell you why there were no (holocaust, gas chambers,etc -Ed) films mentioning that before the 1970’s. People weren’t as crass and vile as they are today, so no one would dare mention that in a film. And of all places? Why does it not being mentioned “in a film” matter anyway? To deny this happened is to call thousands and thousands of survivors abject liars. They all got together and told the same lie about something so horrible that many of them resisted talking about it until they were near death. You know, some people can talk themselves into believing just about anything, if they want that thing to be true bad enough – to justify their own prejudices. Just like BLM convinces itself that police are out to get them because they are black. Same thing here. Sad, really.”

I responded:

Quote: “To deny this happened is to call thousands and thousands of survivors abject liars. They all got together and told the same lie….”

In some ways, that pierces to the heart of the matter. I have watched many interviews with ‘Holocaust survivors’. I don’t think there are ‘thousands and thousands’ of videos of ‘Holocaust survivors’. Nowhere near that much.
But, sure, there are quite a few. The United States Holocaust Museum is a good place to start.
All these interviews support the Holocaust narrative.
That’s what you are saying, and it’s a reasonable and strong point.
I’m with you so far.

The more you look at them? You start picking up on serious anomalies. Stuff that does not make sense.
I’ve ended up wondering if I’m going to start examining a lot of these videos individually. Pointing out the problems, one by one. Inviting others to come in and critique every syllable of what I am saying.

I increasingly suspect the unthinkable. I choose my words carefully, and regretfully. Not without some compassion.
But also: as truthfully as this poor soul can manage:

Yes, they are all a bunch of abject liars. Bit players. Cheap props in a sordid shake-down opera.

I don’t mean to needlessly offend you, or anybody else. I write what I write on the basis of my (and others’) best efforts. I’m perfectly willing to go through this step by step, and offer all my simple thinking up for rational discourse.

Remember: I-once-believed. For years. I started studying this to better attack these awful haters.

Duh. Guess where that took me.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 3:40 pm

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by whadmin

22. Jewish Kabbalah Mysticism, and their obsessive manipulation of the Holocaust’s ‘Six Million’

March 27, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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22. Jewish Kabbalah Mysticism, and their obsessive manipulation of the Holocaust’s ‘Six Million’

A bunch of us were talking about the rather strange, even suspicious, earlier origins of the ‘six million figure’, and how it goes back to way, way before World War 2. We went back to 1914 (mention in the New York Times), then further back to 1850, again a mention in the New York Times. You will find that discussion in our entry 16-1.

16-1. Balfour declaration, WW1, and… six million Jews! What, already in 1914?? Premonition? Magic? A holy number?
Part 1: “6 million, 6 gorillion, 6 trillion, woe-woe-woe-is-me!”
Further Reading?  Click HERE

So we thought we were doing, (ahem,cough), pretty good taking it back to 1850. Which, we submit, casts furious doubt on the much later claim that this ‘six million’ represents a factual, empirical, correct COUNT of the number of Jews murdered by the Germans during WW2.
How could they have known, eh?
But, as we keep learning, there is always somebody coming along, rocking us back on our heels.

@CMichael wrote:

“Its much further back than 1850, its based upon the gematria in the Zohar aka mystical Judaism . if you have a puke bucket proceed. Based upon myth that 6 million Jews must perish before their messiach comes which to Christians is the antichrist


If you go to THAT link, you will probably blink, like I did, as you walk innocently, smack right into this article, quoted in full below:

(I’ve highlighted some parts in RED, especially the Hitler era references)

Kabalistic Gematria and the Myth of the Six Million

When someone is working a magic spell over you, the spell can easily be broken once you understand how the trick works. It is much like this with the Jewish Myth of the Six Million,which has successfully (after a couple of early 20th century false starts in 1919 and the early 1930s) been incorporated as

an inviolable article of faith into the actual empirical history of WWII.

If you understand the real processes concerning how the number of Jewish victims (or sacrifices) was arrived at, you will very easily be able to separate History from Myth, and there is a very significant difference between the two, no matter what traveling carnies and professional snake-oil salesmen like Elie Wiesel and Simon Wiesenthal may tell you.


This now well-known six million number is, in fact, not a number from the world of empirical history, but one from the realm of Jewish mysticism and the human religious imagination. It is a mystic multiple of the Hebrew letter Vav. The letter Vav (or Vau, Waw) = the sounds of the English letters V, W, or U, while numerically V (or V, W = 6 (as in the numeral six).

This Kabalistically sacred number 6 is interpreted as representing the concept of cosmic completion,as in the number of days it took G-d to create the complete world. This number also signifies the 6 directions of space (north, south, east, west, up, down), and the 6 points on the star of David. Within the cosmic completion notion attached to the number six, there is also the idea involving the completion of a circle or cycle, such as from exile to homecoming.

In the literature of the Kabala, such as the books of the Zohar, the number of 6,000,000 is considered to be the number of perfect souls times 10, with the number 10 representing the total number of Sephira, i.e. the divine emanations of G-d.

Alef, the first letter of the first word of Creation = 1 or 1,000. (1,000 x 6 = 6,000 x 10 = 60,000 x 10 = 600,000 x 10 = 6,000,000). This mystic sexagesimal (60-based) system was most assuredly adopted by Jewish scribes during their sojourn in Babylonia. The Babylonians, of course, borrowed this mathematical system from the earlier Sumerians. The three separate multiplications by 10 in this calculation can also each represent one of the three points on the sacred triangle? The pre-Judaic fertility symbol represented by the star of David consists of two sacred triangles, the one pointing downwards represents water and the feminine principle, while the one pointing upwards represents fire and the masculine principle. In this fashion, the symbol of the star of David can be interpreted to represent the Active and Passive principles of Creation united in harmony and equilibrium.

In the books of the Zohar, the Hebrew letter Yod and the letter He, which make up the first two letters of the divine Tetragrammaton YHWH, also represent, respectively, the male and female principles of Creation. YH (Yah), of course, is the name of the original Canaanite deity that the idea of YHWH is based upon. The number 6 is represented in the Tetragrammaton name of the Deity by W (the letter Vav). In the Zohar Book of Concealed Mystery it is explained that, by means of utterance, the sound of the letter Y(od) creates the worlds as an idea in the Divine Mind, and then later, with help from the feminine principle of H(e), gives form to these ideas as fabricated material reality after receiving Light from V(av) (or W). This provides the triangular, triliteral, trilateral name of YHW (Yod, He, Vav/Waw). Adding the extra feminine creative principle represented by the letter H, gives the full, ineffable Tetragrammaton of the Deity’s sacred name YHWH.


Aside from the multiple processes of Notariqon where every letter, or just the initials, medials, and finals, is taken to be a possible initial letter or abbreviation for another completely different word or Temura, where each letter in a word or phrase is substituted for either the letter that precedes or follows it in the Hebrew alphabet, one of the leading principles in the Kabalistic interpretation of sacred Hebrew texts is called Gematria. This involves a mystical analysis of sacred texts that operates according to various numerological principles. Every Hebrew letter has a sound as well as a numerical value, so by adding together all the numerical values of each letter in a word or phrase, different interpretations and analyses of a text can be arrived at. For example, the Hebrew letter Shin, with the sound sh, also has the numerical value of 300, which equals the total numerical value of all the letters in the phrase Ruach Elohim (RVCh ALHIM), the spirit (or breath) of the Elohim, from Genesis 1:2  R = 200, V = 6, Ch = 8, A = 1, L = 30, H = 5, I = 10, and M = 40; TOTAL = 300. In this way, the letter Shin, with its numerical value of 300, is interpreted by the Kabalists as symbolizing the spirit (or breath) of the Elohim [the God(s)]. It is this Kabalistic numerological process of Gematria which provides the prophetic Holocaust interpretation of a verse from the third book of Torah – Leviticus, Chapter 25: Verse 10. This six million number in the Jewish Holocaust narrative is a sacred numerological figure which was also spoken of by the 12th century Jewish philosopher Moshe ben-Maimon, or Rambam (Maimonides, 1135-1204).

“…and you shall hallow the fiftieth year. You shall proclaim release (liberty) throughout the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee (Heb: yobel, a ram’s horn) for you: each of you shall return to his holding and each of you shall return to his family.” (TORAH: Leviticus 25:10)

English translation from: TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures (The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text). Philadelphia/Jerusalem: 1985, p. 196.


Note: the Right hand stone states ‘THE MYSTIC NUMBER….SIX MILLION’

This phrase, ‘you shall return’, from Leviticus 25:10 is written in Kabbalistic versions of the Torah as TShVU. Grammatically, however, this phrase should have been written TShuVU, but the letter Vav, which should follow the letter Shin, is MISSING! Another part of this prophecy of six million burnt holocaust offerings, followed by a tribal homecoming, is formed by adding up the numerical values of this grammatically incomplete phrase.

Tav = 400
Shin = 300
Vet (or Bet) = 2
Vav (or Vaw, Waw) = 6
TOTAL = 708

When the year of the Hebrew calendar is written, the millennia number is always 5, and is therefore never written (a kind of short-hand), so the 708 in this case can be interpreted by the process of Kabalistic gematria as referring to the year 5708, which just so happens to equal the Christian calendar date of 1948, the year when the modern State of Israel was declared.

The phrase (repeated twice) in Leviticus 25:10 TaShuVU (you shall return) can now be interpreted according to the principles of Kabalistic gematria as:
“you shall return (lacking, minus, or without the 6[,000,000] in the year [5]708).”


For this Kabalistically generated prophecy to actually be fulfilled, however, the Nazis would have had to actually cremate the bodies of 6 million Jews in their detention camp bread ovens. At this point, it then must be asked, that if Hitler had really planned to systematically exterminate the roughly 3 to 4.5 million Jews of Europe in his efficiently run German extermination camps, or ‘death camps’, why are there still several hundred thousand people walking around with IBM-generated detention camp numbers tattooed on their arms? Were the German Nazis really that incompetent? And what about the 150,000 assimilated Jews and mischlinge (‘mixed’) Jews who served in the German armed forces? How come Hitler didn’t round them up, seize their assets, and put them in camps?
(see: Bryan Mark Rigg, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, 2002.)

When dealing with Kabbalistic numerology, we are basically dealing with concepts of magic and power. Kabala is very much about the acquisition of power and control over matter through magic, and after all, the dictionary definition of a cabal is a conspiratorial group, so the understanding of Kabalistic processes is highly relevant to understanding the manipulations of modern power politics.

Because of this power-seeking numerological magic, the number of 6,000,000 cannot be changed or altered, even when the official death tolls at Auschwitz are reduced from 4,000,000 to 1,000,000 (The multi-volume, 1948 reports of the International Red Cross, however, put total Auschwitz deaths at the still sad and unfortunate number of 52,389).
For the ritualistic repetition of this magical Holocaust spell to continue working upon the minds of the goyim though, the 6,000,000 number must never be altered, hence all the international, anti-real-Holocaust research legislation. The secular religion that has replaced Judaism for many Jews is the religion of the Holocaust, and what gives this religion its power is the magical unalterable number of 6,000,000. And for the word holocaust (or burnt offering) to have any meaning in this religion, there is absolute necessity for the placement within this narration of the concept that these 6,000,000 were systematically sacrificed and burnt in ovens. Without this sacred fatality number of 6,000,000 and the Nazi ovens working round the clock for a mere 4.5 years, the entire Holocaust religion, in its two most important elements, falls like a house of cards and loses all of its power over the goyim.
Who knows, Christians worldwide might even take time out one day to shed a single tear for the very real 7.5 million mainly Ukrainian Orthodox Christians who died from starvation due to Stalin’s policies of punishment in the 1930s. Many of these Ukrainians who survived the famines were also sent to detention camps (in Siberia). Maybe the Christian world will build a memorial to them in Washington, D.C. and also say, NEVER AGAIN!

This Holocaust religion has been correctly and succinctly explained by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he said, They have fabricated a legend under the name of ‘Massacre of the Jews’, and they hold it higher than God Himself, religion itself, and the prophets themselves. With Holocaust museums as temples, it is a religion of exaggeratedly romanticized and glorified imaginary heroic martyrdom wherein the suffering of perhaps a million Jews during WWII is looked upon as unique and transcendentally separate from, and beyond, the sufferings of all other humans throughout the entire course of recorded or unrecorded history.

The only FULLY protected (by law) religion on earth is that of the Holocaust Faith. One can urinate on Christ or construct a Virgin Mary painting out of elephant dung in a museum and charge admission, but jail and never-ending social exile will surely come to anyone who questions the mythic burning sacrifice of six million bodies to the Nazi Moloch deity. Deny the legislatively protected dogmas of the Holocaust Religion and suffer the Inquisition!

The people who push for the Orwellian Trojan horse of anti-hate speech laws only serve the manipulative cabal of what might be called historical truth deniers. And they will not have an honest debate against any real historians on these issues because they know that their house is built on the sands of emotional fiction, and mystic mumbo-jumbo, and they would be fully exposed within the hour of the debating contest. Their power is the power to endlessly parse, obfuscate, and cheaply manipulate emotions (Ooo, what about the poor victims, don’t you have any heart?, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah…), but when it comes to logic, hard facts, or any kind of real documentary evidence outside of confessions acquired through torture and extortion, their part in this historical debate basically disappears. Stripped of their emotionally based content, they are left with nothing but a three-legged chair to sit on, very much like the fake version of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

The Holocaust House of Cards will come down, and the spell of the magical Kabalistic six million number over the emotions of the goyim and their generous, naive wallets will most assuredly come to an end. The truth of 9/11 will also be understood, and then Americans will take back their Republic, driving the money-changers once again from the Temple. In the meantime, the innocent Jews of the world would do well to soberly apprise themselves of this momentous international awakening to the lies of modern history.


The Kabbalah Unveiled, containing the following Books of the Zohar, The Book of Concealed Mystery, The Greater Holy Assembly, and The Lesser Holy Assembly. Translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers from the Latin version of Knorr Von Rosenroth, and collated with the original Chaldee and Hebrew text. London: Penguin Group, 1991.

TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures (The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text). Philadelphia/Jerusalem: The Jewish Publication Society, 1985.


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by whadmin

Hart-Celler Act

March 26, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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The Hart-Celler Act & 9-11
the 2021 Saul Alinsky Constitutional Coup


I wonder how many Americans & Europeans instantly recognize the 1965 Hart-Celler Act?
You should.
I wonder if it is taught in schools. I doubt it. A great pity.
I submit it marks a massive, epic turning point in the course of future World History. The beginning, I say, quite probably, of a funereal spiral downward for the White Race.
And in case that cheers you on?
I must add, coldly, that it was also NOT (as portrayed at the time and since), any wonderful beginning of ‘new opportunities’ for ‘equal advancement for all races & cultures’.
I say it was a massive mistake, an uninformed arrogance, and what is worse?
That howling naivety, on the one hand? And that deliberate, cynical, Jewish badness, on the other?
Is only set to accelerate in 2021.
We have not only NOT learned our lessons. The pedal is now down to the metal. Driving one-way, at a ton-and-sixty, down the wrong-way Interstate.

At this stage, friend, you may be feeling a warm glow spreading through you. Namely that of your own moral righteousness.
“This man is a racist! “, you may be thinking. “A White Supremacist! ” “For shame! ”
Not so fast.
I submit those are way over-used epithets, hence confusing, that have ceased to mean much anymore. If chucking them out nevertheless makes you feel all good? Knock yourself out. It doesn’t advance the conversation.

1) I am race-aware. So are YOU. Don’t lie. So is everybody. Even ‘Reverend’ Jesse Jackson. Who, in a rare moment of candor, admitted to crossing to the other side of the street, whenever he sees a group of young black men lounging about. Ahead of him, on the sidewalk.

2) I also worked all over the world, including Africa. Have you?

3) Ted Kennedy said this: “The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs. ”

4) Going back to 1790, our Founding Fathers carefully restricted citizenship.

5) In 1924, the Immigration Act had permanently established the ‘National Origins Formula’ as the basis of U.S. immigration policy.
Thus, in 1965, without any referendum, without bothering to meaningfully consult ‘We, the People’, a relatively tiny clique took it upon themselves to casually tear up, and wholly up-end, 175 years’ worth of carefully established policy.
A policy that had led to a homogeneous society. Essentially united, essentially at peace, and rightfully proud of the American Culture, Flag, and Country.

And what have we now? The Southern border yawning wide open. An armada of new, reliably eternal Democrat voters being imported. En masse. A thundering mess, cities on fire, the flag being burned, and the concept of the ‘American’, (that magic glue of a once-homogeneous society), trampled into the mud.
And Saul Alinsky’s rabid, totalitarian disciples have barely got going.
The Talmudic Mafia? Supreme in their 5th column arrogance. The Destroyers exultant.

I submit that the 2021 Saul Alinsky Constitutional Coup, if allowed to stand?

Will make 9-11 and Hart-Celler look like a picnic.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:31 am

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by whadmin

15-1 Fake Photos and Fake Film

March 25, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

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15-1. Fake Photos and Fake Film

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

The first time fake evidence was used was during the Nuremberg Trials. This however became an industry in its own right after 1945, with large rewards paid to investigators for “finding ” Holocaust evidence. At the time a lot of this evidence was very cutting-edge, but under modern scrutiny it simply doesn’t stand up.

Modern forensic techniques have exposed a lot of “Holocaust ” photographic evidence as faked.
New systems of examining photographs and film have exposed large amounts of it as totally fake, other evidence has been exposed as coming from completely different sources, e.g. the Russian Gulags.

As evidence has emerged discrediting large parts, if not all, of the alleged Holocaust narrative, the Jews have been forced to constantly change the numbers in their claims. They have, however, constantly stuck to an overall total of 6 million Jewish deaths, even though this makes no mathematical sense as the component numbers are revised downwards. This hasn’t led to a partial refund of the damages paid to Israel by Germany based on the 6 million figure.

Source:   https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


A huge problem for the Jewish Holocaust conspirators has been this:

They could not, and did not foresee the enormous advances in technology.

Thus at the Nuremburg Trials, all sorts of ‘evidence’ was solemnly introduced, (and even more solemnly sworn to as being the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth), that has subsequently been not merely de-bunked, but rather soundly trashed. Utterly, almost laughably, bogus. But we have to remind ourselves this evidence was shamelessly used to hang people. Literally.

People tell me angrily that ‘they’ took lots of photos, because, later on, apparently ‘people like me’ would come along, and deny the Holocaust of ‘Six Million Jews’. I have been called ‘sewer language’ names.  Plenty of epithets.

I submit, quietly, that if you take a closer look? Dispassionately?  NO agenda?  Just trying to figure out the truth?  Then much of that (alleged) photographic ‘proof’

…was blatantly falsified, and, in fact, that ‘photographic evidence’ (as well as the
factual evidence) fully EXONERATES the German people.

Hitler never planned the extermination of any Jews, never mind ‘Six Million’.

If that statement offends you, I respectfully refer you to my personal study notes. Here: http://www.holocaustGAB.com

PS:  I submit I don’t think this conclusion makes me a ‘National Socialist’, much less a ‘Nazi’.  (or an alimentary food channel orifice)

Just an amateur Historian.


‘oddly similar’ is an understatement; how about ‘direct copy’?

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by whadmin

The 6-fold Holocaust ‘Numbers’ Conundrum

March 25, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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Auschwitz-Treblinka monument until overnight, 1995

The 6-fold Holocaust ‘Numbers’ Conundrum

There is (at least) a SIX (6)-fold aspect of the oft-cited Holocaust ‘Numbers’ conundrum.
Six dimensions, if you prefer. Maybe more, and I have missed some.
Indeed, the term ‘Numbers’ crops up a lot in the frequent expressions of skeptical dissent.
It occurred to me it might be helpful, and aid rational discussion, to carefully list those main areas, in which ‘numbers’ fuel furious debate. Even cynicism. Not to mention open mockery.

1)  The Numbers that were quietly changed (overnight, in 1995) on the Auschwitz-Treblinka Monument

From 4 million deaths down to ‘approx’ 1.5 million.


Auschwitz-Treblinka monument AFTER ‘one famous night’ in 1995


'Applaud'   But the TOTAL WW2 Jewish deaths? REMAINS SIX MILLION…   'Applaud'

Feel free to Critique my study notes. Click HERE

2)  The Numbers the International Red Cross (who had open access!) quotes for deaths from ALL causes in the camps.
(emphasis on: ‘ALL’)

272,301.  Not ‘six million’. Or even 6,000,000.
Small difference?
Seems really suspicious that Israel moved heaven and earth to keep these documents SECRET for decades. Until 2008.
Feel free to Critique my study notes. Click HERE

3)  The Numbers of Jews quoted in population census form. Pre-WW2 and POST WW-2.

That includes various Jewish sources! So no dispute. Basically fifteen million-and-a-bit BEFORE WW2. And fifteen-million-and-a-bit AFTER WW2.
I submit for your consideration that the Jews, despite all their endless choreographed wailing, came through WW2 way, way, WAY better than anybody else. Relatively unscathed, in fact. I further submit that this class (emotional and financial) extortion act of theirs -cruelly- deflects attention away from much larger ‘Holocausts’ that (really) happened elsewhere in Europe, to other peoples.

4)  The sheer (massive) Numbers of Jewish bodies allegedly burned, and the relatively (absurdly) puny physical capabilities & limitations of the ovens at hand

aswith the (massive) requirements that would have entailed in terms of coke, the problems that the regular Allied overflights failed to capture the mass burying, mass digging up, mass open pile burning, the problem that Allied eavesdropping (via their successful German code-breaking) failed to intercept any of this activity in reports, the problem that MODERN DAY crematoria cannot even perform such feats as were claimed, the problem of endless unmasking of ‘witnesses’ who were proven to be liars, the problem that such alleged body burning would have left bone residue that would have required crushing, the issue that modern ground penetration radar found no evidence of soil disturbed, or mass graves, were nearly a million bodies are supposed to be buried. The goofy, massively un-German and inefficient, tortuous lay-out of the alleged ‘homicidal’ gas chambers.

Feel free to critique my study notes. Click HERE

5)  The Numbers Mystery where by the ‘6 million Jews’ gets (frequently) quoted way, WAY back, to at least… 1914? 1850? Nope. Try Babylon. Nope. Sumerian? Errr….

Way before WW2, 1914EEEE, 1850 at least, 'Yes'   the New York Times (and others) started prominently posting the ‘six million Jews’ dying-dead-nearly-dead theme.
(PS: “Give generously”)
The exact same number is repeated over, and over again. Decades before WW2.

Feel free to Critique my study notes. Click HERE
For notes specifically on the topic of the Kabbalah connection, click HERE

6)  The amazing collapse of the Majdanek death numbers

A classic example of Jewish-Bolshevik, um, ‘slight exaggeration’. Hyperbole. Propaganda. Absurdity. Poetic flight of fancy.  Whatever fine label you wish to put on it.

Collapsed-plunged-plummeted-cratered, from just under two million (1,922,000), down to just 78,000.  Just a NINETY-SIX PERCENT DROP.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just Jews lying. Again, deaths from ALL causes, including TYPHUS, the scourge, Allied Bombing, old age, gout, and excess rumpy-pumpy-OH-Dorothy…

in the camp brothel.

You can’t make this sh*t any more ridiculous than it already is.


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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:16 am

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