
by whadmin

The Holocaust Flowery Lie Industry

April 6, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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AD 2021 – the sad words of Solzhenitsyn – revisited

The Holocaust Flowery Lie Industry

‘Castles of the Holocaust – that, when questioned, instantly evaporate’

How to approach:    trying (your simple best) to understand the (profitable) Holocaust Lie Industry.
Most of us live busy lives. Other stuff going on. Time (and energy) is at a premium.
So, in my tiny mind, I like ‘clarity in thought’. I try (heck, I try) to write ‘readable prose’. My stories and my 7 books on helicopters & flying & my frequent ‘Stupid’, have often received what is for me, an accolade:
“It’s easy to read.”
Why should anything be NOT easy to read? The more wildly obscure the language, the more, (what?), ‘advanced’ and ‘erudite’ it must be? Really? Or are we just prepping the road to snidely proclaim that something was written for ‘academics’ and ‘professionals’. Therefore, you simple-minded peon, it’s quite above YOUR intellectual level. Don’t trouble your tiny mind with things YOU are simply not ‘equipped’ to deal.
Oh, yeah?  Snotty b*st*rd…! Condescending, some?  That’s straying precariously close to THIS:

“Shut up. Be quiet. Don’t ask questions. Just take our learned word for it:  you people are responsible for six million Jewish deaths. You should be ashamed! Be very ashamed! Give generously to the poor survivors….!”

(No. F*ck you. I’ll ask questions if I want to. LOTS of questions.)

That then often, in turn, leads to instant, rather crude accusations of being a goose-stepping Nazi, a Hitler worshiper, and/or dark and ominous statements. The ominous statements? I had one just yesterday.

“If you do not believe that six million Jews were murdered?  Then I wonder if you are part of the problem.”

(What does that even MEAN? If I don’t agree with YOUR assertion, YOUR SOLEMN & STERN INVOCATION of the Holocaust MYTH, then I must somehow be co-responsible for it occurring in the first place? No. I wasn’t even BORN yet. I’m not responsible for the Holocaust, I’m not responsible for black slavery, and anyway, if you dig deeper, the IRISH were brought across to the US as SLAVES in vast numbers. Because they were declared by the British Monarch to be worth less than dogs. Oh, AND, Mordechai, have you checked who ALL actually OWNED those slave ships? The JEWS…)

So then they try and quickly switch tactics into (boy, this gets to be so repetitive and tiresome):

‘Castles of the Holocaust – that, when questioned, instantly evaporate’

I had one the other day. “75% of the Jews who were deported from Holland never returned.”

I immediately asked:  “WHAT do you base that on?”

Annnnnnddddddd:    (silence)    'Boring'

I was waiting for them to mention, tearfully, the ‘Diary of Anne Frank’, and the movies, documentaries, but…. most people DO finally seem to have figured out that it was her father who wrote it. (And made a fortune out of it). (well done, Mordechai)
That fraud is just another exposed fraud and HOAX, on the great big long list of frauds & HOAXES, that were ONCE revered, unquestionable, ICONS of the Holocaust FAITH.

And saying that you heard ‘it’ from somebody, who heard it from the brother of the girlfriend of the shoemaker Jew who was deported, and sadly never came back? Kinda fishy, no?  He’s probably in Israel, happily buried, having raised a whole clan of shoemakers.

Never mind, when you are dealing with such a goose-stepping idiot as Moggy, you can always try baffling him with BIG words. You know, words with more than two syllables. He’s a neo-Nazi. So, apart from being immoral? He’s also stupid, an utter IQ retard, right?

“The Holocaust History is best left to professionals and academics. The dynamic of the spatio temporal indices, and the fluidity of the available literature, aswith the delicate sensitivity of probing hitherto poorly researched aspects of socio-environmental barometers, leads us to allow for a Q-factor spread in the customary, and often precipitate, initial nuances of traumatized survivor reporting.”

(Yes, I wrote that, just for the fun of it. A mischievous moment. Tongue-in-cheek.)   'Fly'

Meh. Readable is good. It’s supposed to be readable, I say.

Switching my attention to the Holocaust, and the fabled ‘Six Million Jews’, (which I once believed in), I started to write with the same bog-Irish simple mindset.  To wit, I wanted to:
A) understand it all better myself
B) write notes for ME (‘cos there’s no way I can remember all that stuff), and also write those notes that may appeal to other busy, sincere, hate-free, ordinary folk. Who really would LIKE to also understand the Holocaust better. But don’t have the time & energy to spend sixteen hours a day slogging through a morass of wordy Verbal Quicksand.
C) and I thought by publishing MY simple notes, others might jump in and help ME better understand what-the-heck.

I don’t have an ‘agenda’ (that I’m aware of), no, I don’t have a large Hitler portrait over my bed, and, no, I don’t diligently practice the goose step. (I’d break my neck, ffs)
I just want to know… what is this thing.  'Speaking'
The ‘suffering of the Jews’ is absolutely not some unique, one-off event in History. That didn’t happen to anybody else, therefore they should be raised forever on a pedestal, massively compensated forever, and forever (by way of White Guilt) be IMMUNE to ANY and ALL legitimate criticism of their (many) off-the-wall actions…!  That’s even if it were TRUE, which, we respectfully submit, It is NOT. A careful weighing of the pesky EVIDENCE?
Shows it is shamelessly hyped into infinity, for crude GAIN.


The ‘suffering of the Jews’ is NOT some unique, one-off event in History.

So, for me, the ‘Holocaust sticking points’ (HSP), (see www.holocaustGAB.com) are simply very basic tools, (sounding boards), with which to measure the truth content of wordy articles, and sweeping ‘Six Million Jews’ MYTH claims.  I’ve listed merely some. There’s lots more ‘sticking points. It just takes time to write them all up. Anybody is welcome to contribute any thoughts or input on the ‘Holocaust Normie challenge list’.  Call it “Holocaust for Dummies” if you like.  Work-in-progress.  Written by a Dummy.

Now when you actually, list in hand, GO to some of these revered, super scholarly, ooh-la-la, Holocaust writers who feverishly (and furiously) PROMOTE the ‘Six Million Jews’? And read (decipher) what they have to say? They don’t even MENTION those ‘sticking points’. That all gets very simply & conveniently ignored. By-passed. Not answered. Instead, they are off on a one-track horse, by the name of ‘Six Million’. And absolutely everything they write? Is  designed to be, get this, as UN-readable for the layman as humanly possible.

And, excuse me, don’t we all wonder why?

I’ve read some of these well-funded, so-called ‘scholarly works’, and, increasingly, I have come to the conclusion that I was being royally bathed in erudite bluster. Commonly referred to as… (uh-huh).

Here is one such. See what you think:
“Quantifying the Holocaust: Hyperintense kill rates during the Nazi genocide”
by Lewi Stone

I’ve read the whole thing, (Lordie!), and I started quoting from it, and comment, here:


I submit it’s a really good example of verbal diarrhea dressed up as ‘honey and herb glazed rack of lamb’. Trying to make it SO complicated, that it’s really just endlessly repeated, pro-Holocaust PROPAGANDA, dressed up behind a smoke screen of highly dubious graphs, and sweeping assumptions.

And thus, constituting, in essence?


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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on April 8, 2021, 7:44 am

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by whadmin

My Grandfather, Francis Meyrick, and I

April 4, 2021 in Holocaust Stories

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My Grandfather, Francis Meyrick, and I


Why do we so seriously study the truth (or not) of the 'Six Million Jews'?

     Why don't we just write it off as Ancient History?
Throw sand on the grave, mumble a respectful 'Amen' and move on?
That's a reasonable question, and here's the answer.

So many of us are passionate, because we submit that the Holocaust is a cruel HOAX, cynically designed and maintained to vilify and slander a fine people, i.e. the Germans, whilst also ruthlessly plundering them. To this day. We also submit the HOLOHOAX is designed to hide, camouflage, obfuscate, trivialize FAR, and FAR worse GENUINE atrocities carried out elsewhere. To this day.
By, (surprise, surprise) (not) the very same architects & exploiters of the HOLOHOAX.

Thus we submit, bitterly:

*** that the bloodbath of Christian Russians, during the Bolshevik revolution, masterminded, funded, orchestrated, and gleefully carried out by JEWISH Cheka, many imported from New York specially for the crazed bloodletting, utterly dwarfs, in scale and viciousness, anything that (allegedly)happened to the Jews at the hands of the Germans.

***that the deliberate, systematic, cruel famine of the Holodomor, in the Ukraine, represents a FAR higher death toll

***that the Ilya Ehrenburg (JEW) ordered/encouraged MASS rape and torture, followed by dismemberment and MASS killing, of tens or hundreds of thousands of German women at the end of WW2, represents a FAR worse depth of inhumanity and diabolical cruelty, than anything that (allegedly) happened to the Jews in their well documented WORK CAMPS.

***that the appalling, utterly inhumane treatment of helpless, surrendered  German POW's in Russia, and in Eisenhower's Rhineland Death Camps, violates every last shred of human decency.

***That the suffering of fifteen million German civilians, ejected from their ancestral homelands in Prussia and elsewhere, of which an estimated three million were murdered, raped and otherwise brutalized along the way, again DWARFS the relative handful of Jewish deaths in German Work Camps.

***and, finally, that the FIRE bombing of the fine city of DRESDEN, at War's end, admitted later to have had ZERO military targets left standing, known to have been FULL of desperate refugees, with wave after wave of bombers equipped with weaponry designed purely to mass murder the shocked inhabitants, represents an act of unspeakable, Satanic evil, that makes a MOCKERY of the claimed Moral High ground of the 'Good Guys' and 'Allies' in respect of alleged German transgressions. Manufactured, we may add, at the outrageous Nurnberg show trials, by three thousand gleeful JEWS, using torture, fraud, false eyewitness evidence, faked evidence, and threats to prisoners' families.

THAT is why, we submit, we should and MUST study the great Jewish HOLOHOAX rip-off FRAUD, the shakedown to end all shakedowns, the TRAVESTY of human decency they DARE, to this day, with much loud wailing, to hold up as an example of Man's Inhumanity to Man.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on April 4, 2021, 11:37 am

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by whadmin

24. Making babies perfectly explains the missing 'Six Million' – what!?

April 3, 2021 in Holocaust Stories

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24. Making babies perfectly explains the missing 'Six Million' – what!?
      So this 'defense' of the 'Holocaust' has cropped up several times in our little group, but mostly in the form of one-liners. I previously dismissed it, as not being seriously worth attention. Well, blow me down, today said fabulous explanation rolled around yet again, in slightly more detail. So I thought I'd go into it.
( I think that barking naivety of mine has gotten me into more trouble than I can recount)

Our contributor wrote:

“High birth rate – a birth rate of just 3% would mean that population would double every 23 years.
Communists use the same technique and argument to dismiss claims millions died in the Soviet GULAG system.”

I had to think about what he was saying. It came across to me, (paraphrased for clarity), as:

“The 6,000,000 Jews murdered because of the gas chambers and the evil Germans DID really happen. Now the reason it does not show up in the population census records? Of the 1930's, just before the war, and the mid to late 1940's, just after the war? Compiled from different sources, including Jewish?
That's simple: Birth rate.”

And we are supposed to go: “Birth rate??”   'Confused'

And then, all knowledgeable, he can add:  “Well, yes, a birth rate of just 3% would mean that the population would double every 23 years.”

So, then, while we are all moon-eyed, amazed at his magnificent knowledge, ready to rush off to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, to tearfully make a donation?
He can add in, persuasively, by way of the final nail in the coffin of these terrible Holocaust Deniers?
“Communists use the same technique and argument to dismiss claims millions died in the Soviet GULAG system.”

Case closed, right?
Nope. Hang on here. Just. One. Cotton-picking. SECOND.  'Hooligan'

I lifted this entry out of my previous notes, numbered 16-1.   Click HERE

2)  New York Times, June 6 (?), 1918:  “Six Million Jews, one half of the Jewish people throughout the world, are being persecuted… etc”

I could have picked any number of starting points, or sources, but this one neatly gives us an idea. If in 1918, 'the Jewish population throughout the world', was in the order of twelve million (the Jewish owned NYT ought to know, right), then if we assumed a high birth rate of 3%, and the population doubling every 23 years?

Question: what, based on THAT claimed birth rate, would the Jewish population then have been in the late 1930's?

Well, in the order of approaching twenty-four million, right?
(Allegedly), according to our contributor, “double” the 1918 figure of 12 million.  
But, in the 1930's? The Jewish population was nowhere near that. It was, in fact, according to various sources, including Jewish, more in the order of the oft-quoted:

fifteen-million-and-a-bit.   (barely about a quarter the population growth rate our contributor hopes we will accept)  'Noooo'

So we have a MUCH lower birth rate than our contributor wishes to (conveniently) postulate.
Why?  So he thus can 'explain' the truly awkward fact that the number of Jews in the world, just before and just after WW2, was
Fifteen million and-a-bit“.
With, embarrassingly, no sign of the “Missing Six Million Jews.”

You follow me so far?
But there's more to this. First, I replied, scrupulously politely, pretty well as above. Explaining my objections, and asking him if he was allowing for 'Deaths'.

His reply? Really eloquent. One word:



That really advances the conversation, eh?  Very sophisticated.
Then, as happens, he blocked me.

Kind of amuses me. I'm warped, that way. Basically, they trot out a fancy-dancy, but really quite spurious argument.
You counter it.
They get mad. Rumbled. Caught out. Stomping off in a tizzy.
That's the intellectual equivalent of THIS fine flag, below.

How classless.

The transparent desire to then drag the argument down into the gutter? Hopefully you will retaliate, and then they can quote your words WAY out of context, and tell everybody:
“See? That Moggy fellow? Block him! He's just a Jew hater! Look at the bad language he used here!”

In conclusion, I offer two observations.

The first, that you Jews & ardent Zionists (“Israel is our best ally”) 'Laughing'   cannot have both your cake and eat it. I know, you are well used to keeping yours, and eating ours. But that's not what I'm driving at here.
I'm saying you cannot enjoy your “Six Million dead Jews”, all being summarily exterminated in Hitler's camps. I intend to tackle one particular 'First person' Holocaust survivor, who, in a transparently choreographed  Youtube video, states that 90% of the arrivals at Auschwitz-Treblenka were IMMEDIATELY gassed. That's actually an oft repeated claim.

I believe that to be an outrageous lie.

You can NOT dupe millions of perfectly good-hearted and compassionate Americans, into believing such ROT, AND, at the same time, or for very close to the same period in time, (from the mid to late nineteen thirties, through to just after WW2), postulate a glorious


A mass orgy, a gigantic, epic case of tribal, procreational rumpey-pumpey, resulting in no less than SIX MILLION BABIES, that (conveniently) (tra-la-lah) offset the “Missing” 'Six Millions Jews', in the various sources of population census. All WHILE, at-the-same-time, you want it that everybody was getting instantly bumped off in death camps, and homicidal shower rooms?? That's one busy cake, bud.
That's quite preposterous. That's just silly.

Then, secondly, when you are tackled on this issue, politely, respectfully, but HEAD ON, if you then resort to trying to drag the conversation quickly into the sewer?

Then I need to remind you of the pig.

I was walking down the street, in New Orleans, and I saw a disheveled drunk, lying, semi-comatose, in the gutter. He was cursing profanely at all sorts of images, that must have been offending him.
I can't tell you if he was Jewish, or not. He might even have been Irish.
But, undeniably, a sympathetic pig, probably Irish, feeling sorry for him, was lying down beside him, keeping him company.

Two well-dressed gentlemen happened to be walking past. The one said to the other:

“You can always tell a gentleman, by the company he keeps.”

And, I swear:

the pig got up, and slowly walked away…

Sir? When you call me rude names?

I can easily relate to that fine pig.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on April 3, 2021, 4:00 pm

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by whadmin

The ‘Talmudic Mafia’ is ‘winning’, and Earth is losing

April 3, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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The ‘Talmudic Mafia’ is ‘winning’, and Earth is losing

(same, old, repeated) Hostile Questions… and Honest Answers  'Hypocrite'

Question 1-6 to Moggy:  “Why do you dislike what you call the ‘Talmudic Mafia’ so much? Do you mean all Jews? And why do you hate them so much? What have they ever done to you? You are one of GAB’s noisiest anti-Semites! As a God-fearing person, I am appalled at your insensitivity towards the terrible & unique suffering of the Jews”.

Answers 1-6 from Moggy:  “Oh, straight from the hip, eh? Both barrels? Okay, two can play that game. There are six elements to your full-blast broadside, so let me go through them in sequence.”

Question 1: “Why do you dislike what you call the ‘Talmudic Mafia’ so much?”
Question 2: Do you mean all Jews?

Answer 1 and 2:  No, I don’t mean all Jews. I have made that clear many, many, many times. You obviously DON’T read my stuff, but you DO wish to make sweeping condemnations. That’s like condemning a house without ever having bothered to go inside. With your dislike based (simplistically) on the shape and color of the chimney.
Let me define what I mean by the phrase ‘Talmudic Mafia’. I am talking about a remarkably small, self-appointed ‘elite’ of ‘top’ Jews. There are plenty of Jews who have bravely opposed the entrenched, web of lies surrounding the ‘Six Million’ Myth, often at great personal cost.  These Jews have been ridiculed, scorned, ostracized, threatened, by the ‘Talmudic Mafia’, who cynically wield their 96% near-total grip on the World’s Media, like a nailed baseball bat. This proud ‘elite’ (‘elite’, in their own puffed up minds) have greedily milked the world’s wealth through an elaborate system of in-your-face nepotism, cronyism, bribery, extortion, insider trading, and political chicanery. They are, in essence, thieves, tricksters, con-merchants and exploiters. They wish you to believe that their near-total grip on all positions of power, all institutions of influence, is due to their ‘superior intelligence’. And not their Mafia style mode of operation, their endless theft of intellectual property, and their ceaseless looting of the United States economy. Let’s not forget to mention that billions of dollars are voted through, on a nod, by the US Congress, and sent happily off to Israel, or dropped (heh-heh-heh), (sleight-of-hand) into Israel-friendly ‘appropriations’. Which is the same thing.

The many, centuries old, problems with this pompous ‘elite’ are overshadowed by an increasingly ominously black storm cloud. Sending forth record hurricane force winds.  The advances in technology are such that their ability to (blatantly) manipulate opinion, and suppress contrarian view points, is extraordinary. Their power, always thuggish, and based on a fabric of lies, is tending to a near-total grip on the instruments of power in the United States, and in Europe. I (and tens of millions with me) see the last farcical US ‘anti-election’ as a thuggish political coup. A heist. A clumsily orchestrated, brute imposition of their will, over that of the American People. It was, and remains, so in-your-face, that any decent observer would have thought the Democratic Party would insist on a re-run themselves. Had they possessed an ounce of decency. But no, wholly owned as they are, their souls long since mortgaged to the Devil, it is easy to see how Congress, on both sides of the isle, resembles little more than paid gangs of selfish thieves.
The ‘Talmudic Mafia’, with their Supremacist arrogance, armed with their anti-Mainstream media, and their looted billions, are behind ALL this.
You asked: “Why do you dislike what you call the ‘Talmudic Mafia’ so much? Do you mean all Jews?”. I think I have covered the main points here.
THAT is why I dislike the ‘Talmudic Mafia’ so much, and, no, I do NOT mean ALL Jews.

Moving on, you asked:
Question 3:  “Why do you hate them so much?”

Answer 3: It seems THAT, right there, is the default, go-to, Numero Uno, catch-all, FALL BACK, TIME-WORN DEFENSE POSITION. Paraphrased:  “Oh, you must be a HATER. You must be an anti-Semite.” And I’m supposed to cringe, eh?  Fall back, run, whimper. Fold my hands, and yelp:
“Oh, no, mercy! I’m no hater!

Dude, I’m gonna be seventy here soon. It’s been a helluva ride, and I still blast around -too fast- on Harleys. I’ve seen a bit. Some pretty wild sh*t. Try playing dodge ’em in the sky, with your helicopter, against another chopper. Watching the rivets in his underbelly skim-whistle over the top of your own rotor disc. With your passenger going hysterical. And you trying not to laugh. (The whole thing is that fuk’n stupid) Click HERE for that adventure.
My point is that I didn’t ‘hate’ him. To be sure, I wasn’t too ecstatically happy, with him being so reckless that he might have accidentally killed the lot of us. But I didn’t ‘hate’ him. In fact, if you read the story, I later quickly organized his defense, lest he become fish bait.
It’s the same with me and the Jews. It’s not polite to write what I deep-down think, but if I was to do so, anyway? Like in a bar, down in Papua New Guinea?  With a bunch of crazy, hard-bitten, Tuna Head pilots, fresh from aerial jousting, chewing the cud?

It would probably roll out like this:

“You Supremacist Jews?
You’re such a dozy bunch of arrogant, incredibly silly fools. You’re mostly out-and-out hardened Atheists, and you invoke that creepy, selfish, butt-ugly Talmud not from any God respect. You just use it when it suits your earthly desires and purposes. Let’s say that up front. You have dedicated your little life to Mammon. Gathering fleeting wealth, ooh-la-la ‘power’, and preening around in your grand delusion that you remotely matter.
You don’t matter squat, you little Supremacist creep. None of us do.
I have smoked what I might call an ‘apres-cigarette’ a fair few times now, AFTER narrowly surviving stupid that which I knew I might (but for a milli-second) NOT have survived. Of course, I went right back up each time. To prove something to myself. That I wasn’t frightened. Of being stupid. After the shortest canopy ride in History (accidental super low pull), I think I smoked TWO. Didn’t stop me going straight back up, though. (see my pernicious blog)
No, it’s not a death wish. On the contrary. It’s a desire to drink the cup dry, live that puppy, watch the whole movie, sub-titles and all. Ride that donkey. Drive that buggy.
And never, ever quit.
But there’s no illusion. Living has a one hundred per cent fatality rate. None of us getting out of this sh*t alive. So a wise man (okay, okay, that rules me out) will ponder respectfully, his simple, brief relationship with the Universe.

And ponder, the Creator.
Is HE? Is he NOT? If he IS?  How does He feel about ME?
For I could murmur a quiet poem.

I have but little cash to show
I’ve been a rascal, well you know.
But of all the places that I’ve been
and all that I have truly seen?

I’ve often wondered if God is kind
and sympathizes with my mind
as confuddled, daft and warped it seems
in my endless, sleep-tossed dreams.

I’ll never quit, the slightest bit
I’ll ride that donkey, take the hit
drink the cup, and probe the sky
until that b*st*rd is drunk dry.
For me, it boils down to the fact that the Supremacist Jews’ (The Talmudic Mafia’s) oft-demonstrated life’s philosophy of feverishly gathering pretty-colored sea-shells (They call ’em shekels) by the bazillion, as many as possible, by any predatory means possible, even hurtfully, at the expense of any and all non-tribe members? Is about as UN-intelligent, retarded and flat boring as you can make your life, ffs. Their carnal lust for POWER though ANY means? Bribery, infiltration, perversion, subjugation, deliberate war and division stirring, divide-and-conquer? Is silly to the nth degree. It all means diddley-squat in the end.

All we can HOPE to accomplish, in viewing this life, this short little ‘trailer’? is that maybe, just maybe, one day, we’ll see the full MOVIE.
We might just be able to do a tiny-tiny-tiny bit of good. Make Space Ship Earth, the place we call home, a tiny bit better. Spread a little kindness.
Maybe. Maybe, if we’re careful.

The Supremacist Jews, in their soaring arrogance?  Stand at the polar opposite end of that simple outlook of mine. What pompous ass can seriously make statements like this, and NOT expect to be laughed at?

Or this vacuous, widely-followed, ultra-Supremacist blow-hard?

I hate what they say. That has so much influence. I hate the conceit, the arrogance, the misleading-of-many that they do. But the man? I shrug my shoulders. Why should I hate the man? Come-uppance waiting for them, anyway.

I wrote another story the other day about this same aspect, why everybody always wants to paint as as hating Jews. And they can’t (or won’t) see us as hating ‘ideas’, ‘attitudes’, and ‘supremacist ideology’.  It’s HERE.

Essentially? ‘They’ are trying to shut us up. Calling us ‘anti-Semites’ or ‘racists’ or sticking the ‘why do you hate Jews?’ label on us. They don’t want to go the FACTS. Too dangerous. For they know too well?  The FACTS are against them.

So we hate the IDEAS.

Questions 3-6.

“And why do you hate them so much? What have they ever done to you? You are one of GAB’s noisiest anti-Semites! As a God-fearing person, I am appalled at your insensitivity towards the terrible & unique suffering of the Jews”.

Meh, again.

Quote:  “You are one of GAB’s noisiest anti-Semites.”

Quote:  “As a God-fearing person, I am appalled at your insensitivity towards the terrible & unique suffering of the Jews”

Answer:  “Excuse me, why would anybody FEAR God? I can understand RESPECT. AWE, even. Perhaps even LOVE. But I don’t really follow this cringing, woe-is-me, sackcloth-and-ashes, grovel-in-the-mud, cringing sh*t. But leaving that aside, I see two possibilities.

A) you really believe that ‘six million Jews’ were really murdered by the really evil Germans.

I used to, as well. Then I started doing the research. You need to do so, as well. You have no excuse. Sorry.

B) Deep down?  You know damn and fine it’s a MYTH. But it’s a highly profitable one. And you are one of the beneficiaries. So you do everything you can to perpetuate the LIE.

Good luck. Going through your tiny, short life, dedicating it to living the Big Lie.
I suspect there may be consequences for you, one day.

My final comment is on this:

The ‘Talmudic Mafia’ is ‘winning’, and Earth is losing.

I think that is true. So far. But theirs is a Pyrrhic Victory.  Be careful what you wish for.

But, also, be aware.

The tide?

Is slowly changing.

Return to HolocaustGAB.com?

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on April 3, 2021, 10:22 am

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by whadmin

Thoughts on HATE

April 2, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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Thoughts on HATE

Polite Reminder: to HATE an orchestrated serial untruth, a lie, a fabrication, a myth, an extortion racket…
is NOT the same as…

HATING people.

We don’t say: “Hate all Jews! Run ’em over! Kill ’em! Throw rocks at them anytime you see one!”
We say: “look at the F-A-C-T-S. Hate the L-I-E-S.”
There is a difference, that ‘they’ like to gloss over. Obfuscate.
The Holocaust Myth Perpetuation Brigade, extremely well funded, ALWAYS try and make us out as PEOPLE HATERS.

The absolute last thing ‘they’ want is for more people to become interested in the FACTS.

Join our little study group on GAB.   Find us here: https://gab.com/groups/2412      Click HERE

Find my own self-study notes, often based on group input, and links & insights provided by group members, here on http://www.holocaustGAB.com

I’m a retired helicopter fling-wing jockey, not a Holocaust expert.

I just do my best.


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by whadmin

Relentless Brain Washing and Mass Psychological Manipulation

March 31, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

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by whadmin

He was a Lunatic

March 30, 2021 in Holocaust Stories

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He questioned the 'Six Million'

He was a Lunatic

I need to kill myself.
Jump off a high building.
And Die, in screaming agony.

But I need to complete these mandated tasks, not before other events take place.
To wit, I must be banned from GAB.
Blocked by Polite Society.
And labeled, for all to see, as a contemptible, low IQ, uneducated 'Hater', who freely indulges in reprehensible, low IQ, 'Hate Speech'.

So I am told. Frequently.
By people who variously describe themselves, in their profiles & posts,  as 'Christians', 'Patriots', 'MAGA', 'Proud Americans', 'listening to Jesus', and 'Loving parents'.

Being a very simple bear, not terribly bright, I have given the above mentioned, um, exhortations the best thought I can. I have concluded, since they unanimously brand me as a 'Hater', that these 'loving parents', who are so busy 'listening to Jesus', clearly firmly regard themselves as 'Lovers'.
So I shall henceforth refer to them as 'Lovers'.

My failing, it appears, is that I Question the 'Six Million Jews'. To be sure, they tend to call me a 'Denier'. It seems the act of 'Questioning', however politely, is tantamount to 'denying'. It's terribly frowned upon. Low IQ stuff. Hate Speech.
Well, I confess, humbly, that I DO Question the 'Six Million'. I submit that Questioning is not because I hate. Hating is so passee. Takes up far too much valuable energy. It's more that I'm infernally curious. That's probably why I jumped out of airplanes. And (twice) said “I do”. I wanted to know what would happen. I was curious.
(damn, I sure found out)

The 'Six Million Jews' fills me with such curiosity. As to how all these 'Lovers' could happily swallow dozens of major sticking points. Road blocks. Obstacles to Reason. Impediments to smooth passage-past-teeth. Hell, I even LISTED a bunch of the sticking points. I'm sure there's lots more, but those are only the ones I have come across, so far.
It's hard. Working with my 'low IQ'.

But here's another odd thing. The 'Lovers' never EVER want to go there. Never want to discuss the nitty-gritty. They never seem to 'love' me enough, to take me gently by the hand, and, slowly, lovingly, in words of not more than two syllables ( my low IQ, you see), EXPLAIN to me why, for argument's sake, the census numbers are problematic.
For my Low IQ.
There were fifteen million and-a-bit Jews before WW2.
There were fifteen million and a bit Jews AFTER WW2.
That information is partly derived from JEWISH sources.
It's carefully detailed in item number 20 in the “Holocaust Normie Challenge List”.
Supported by item number 16-1.
So… Polite Question. Not 'hate' at all. Excuse me. But where did the 'Six Million Jews' come from? Or go?

I invite them all to visit.
But the Lovers never EVER do.

I need to kill myself.
Jump off a high building.
And Die, in screaming agony.
But I need to complete these mandated tasks, not before other events take place.
To wit, I must be banned from GAB.
Blocked by Polite Society.
And labeled, for all to see, as a contemptible, low IQ, uneducated 'Hater', who freely indulges in reprehensible, low IQ, 'Hate Speech'.

I'm sure that makes perfect sense to the Lovers. After all, they are listening to Jesus.
I struggle with that.
But then, I'm just a low IQ hater.

Dare I even mention to the Lovers the 1995 (quiet, overnight) (no fanfare) change in official numbers on the monument in Auschwitz? Down from 4 million to 'Approx' 1.5 million?
A 2.5 million drop? (That's 41.66 % of 6 million)
But the TOTAL stays (just look at Wikipedia) SIX MILLION JEWS. See item 15-2.
A-ma-zing Abacus.
Don't you think they would be ecstatically thrilled that 2.5 million Jews survived?  Were not gassed? Went on to raise families, procreate, enjoy their reparations from Germany, and prosper?
You'd think they should have loudly celebrated it.

Will I mention that to the Lovers?
Oh, maybe not.  'Noooo'

I think I already know what these 'Proud Americans' would say to me.

I need to kill myself.
Jump off a high building.
And Die, in screaming agony.
But I need to complete these mandated tasks, not before other events take place.
To wit, I must be banned from GAB.
Blocked by Polite Society.
And labeled, for all to see, as a contemptible, low IQ, uneducated 'Hater', who freely indulges in reprehensible, low IQ, 'Hate Speech'.

I think I'll just go and eat worms…

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 30, 2021, 8:52 pm

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by whadmin

Mankind’s Fatal Flow – the MFF problem

March 30, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Investigation & Articles

Main Index – Click HERE

1. Terse 1-liners     The MFF problem

Terse 1-liners are an advanced Art form. Like a good Haiku.
I’m going to save a few.

Thus we were collectively snarling this morning about shallow, but pompous, Dictator ‘Batty’ Biden, busily falling up the steps of Air Force One. (I cheered out loud)
And mocking the legions of plastic soldiers with lots of guns, (that they want to take off us), and tall fences (with razor wire) around the Capitol. Such a transparent ploy, claiming an anti-constitutional ‘insurrection’, when it’s blatantly they themselves actually doing the naked power grab.
Performing the coup. Classic Marxism. Psy-ops, Media Control, zero shame, and the crass nerve of the Devil.

We were wondering how in heck’s name it ever came to this.  A tiny-tiny handful of self-appointed ‘elite’ (ha!) crudely dictating their overtly Supremacist will to the rest of the country. The top six inches of the pyramid acting like a criminal Mafia. A classic conspiracy. An ugly power grab. Lording it over the rest below, as if the rest doesn’t matter. The fleas hogging the tip of the patient Shepherd Dog’s tail, busily wagging the tail, the dog, and the BONE.

And everybody, bemused, powerless it seems, me included, just kind of (duh!) watching.

“300 million silent guns
useful as cream chocolate buns.”

The militia is coming
there’s going to be war
they’re throwing black pudding
at Biden’s back door.

When it comes to recoil, blast & kick
Ain’t nuthin’ can best a memory shtick.

The mind simply boggles how many will die
armed to the teeth with doughnuts and pie.”

In comes the ‘zing!’


“There have been millions of people who have had similar thoughts in just the last 100 years let alone the expanse of human history. It all boils down to one individual with an insatiable greed, and lust to feel exceptional, coupled with an ability to affect others and draw them in to assist in an endeavor that would otherwise revile a right thinking person.”

Spot on. Well stated. ‘Mankind’s Fatal Flow‘, I thought grimly to myself. Politely. ‘MFF’.

Endless billions of premature tombs. Good & noble lives, snuffed out, by lower, coarser, vile and mean creatures. Whole cultures, too gentle, unable to defend themselves, scattered to the four winds. The feeling, highly cultured Yezidis. The mellow Buddhists, the Hindus, the Armenians, Christians by the cemetery full.

I sighed.   MFF?   'Speaking'

“The Mutha-F*cka-FRUITCAKES”, a voice in my head shouted.

Rather Rudely.

Yep. It’s going to be one of those days.


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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 30, 2021, 1:57 pm

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by whadmin

20. Census figures of Jews, including from JEWISH own sources! FLATLY contradict the six million.

March 30, 2021 in Holocaust Stories, Normie Challenge List

Main Index – Click HERE

20. Census figures of Jews, including from JEWISH own sources! FLATLY contradict the ‘Six Million’.

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

“Here are some census figures of jews living Worldwide to consider:

World Almanac, 1925, pg. 752   15,630,000   In 1925 a census of Palestine gave a total of 115,151 Jews
World Almanac, 1929, pg. 727        15,630,000
National Council of Churches 1930   15,600 ,000
March 24, 1933, Jewish newspaper Daily Express   14,000,000 Jews worldwide
World Almanac, 1933, pg. 419   15,316,359, The estimate for Jews in the above table is for 1933, and is by the American Jewish Committee
World Almanac, 1936, pg. 748  world Jewish population = 15,753,633
World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510  world Jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939  15,600,000
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population  15,319,359
World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population  15,748,091
World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849  15,192,089, Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion
World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population  15,690,000
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population  15,713,638
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951  15,300,000
World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of Jews  16,820,850
World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population  14,117,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: World Jewish Population 18,080,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: World Jewish Population  13,200,000   (huh?-Ed)

Source:  https://cigpapers.blog/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/


The mind bu-bu-boggles, as to how you can squeeze ‘six million dead Jews’ out of this. Or anywhere remotely NEAR that amount.
Sorry, I don’t mean to sound harsh, or flippant, or unfeeling, but…. how DO you, with a straight face, propose to nonchalantly explain this away?

Take these numbers:

World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510  world Jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939  15,600,000
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population  15,319,359

and contrast them with:

World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population  15,690,000
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population  15,713,638

You can call me an ‘anti-Semite’ if it makes you happy. (That’s just a code word for shut-the-hell-up, anyway).
You can call me a ‘Nazi’.
You can call me early in the morning.
You can stick pins in a Voodoo doll effigy of me.
Just-do-me-a-favor. Explain to my simple (boggling) mind, HOW ‘six millions Jews’ were tragically lost.
I’m sorry, I submit that the pre- and post- World War Two

C-E-N-S-U-S  E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E

…simply does NOT support that assertion. In any way, shape, or form.
Not even with a Yiddish crow bar. Assisted with a generous helping of DYNAMITE.
That dog don’t HUNT.

On the contrary, I submit, respectfully, (aware that good & sincere people BELIEVE this stuff), that the Census Evidence leads me to conclude that the Jews came through World War Two way, WAY better than everybody else! Unless you were a happy yodeling Swiss, munching your chocolate, or an Australian Aboriginee, on a walk-about. Dodging the odd hungry crocodile. Everybody else took a MUCH, much worse pasting!

So why are we subjected to this cradle-to-the-grave NONSENSICAL EMOTIONAL BARRAGE of Media-Hollywood ‘Hype & Wail’ BRAINWASHING???

I’ll tell you why. It’s all they’ve GOT.  And it’s super PROFITABLE. Not just in terms of currency, but also in a wide-ranging FREE PASS on ALL their actions. The Jews want to be INURED against any and ALL criticism, especially legitimate criticism for their actions!

Don’t believe me? I’m an anti-Semite? That’s interesting. I know a former Israeli cabinet minister, who might teach you something. I know you won’t believe anti-Semite ME.

Maybe you will believe THIS lady:

Then again, if you are one of those American ‘Christian’ Zionists, who can spout a thousand verses from the Bible by memory? But who knows NOTHING other than what they have soaked up from Hollywood?

I’m betting you won’t believe either her, or me.

I must not close before I give a shout-out to the MANY honest and courageous Jewish people, who have stood up against this blatant ‘Six Million’ chicanery. And who have often paid a terrible price for their moral courage and integrity.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 30, 2021, 8:12 am

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by whadmin

Sailing the Stars

March 30, 2021 in The Great Cosmic Kindness

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