

Posted on February 27, 2021

HolocaustGAB.com      MAIN INDEX

For everybody's convenience, this is the archive for discussions and topics we cover in our Holocaust, etc, working group on GAB.com   (https://gab.com/groups/2412)  CLICK on any LINK.  'Yes'

Introduction – Welcome to HolocaustGAB

Holocaust Normie Challenge List               a.k.a. 'Holocaust sticking points'  'Confused'

        1. Red Cross Records  (wholly contradict the alleged 'six million'
        2. Aerial Photos   (although frequent, show no supporting evidence)
        3. Western Allies never found any homicidal gas chambers
        4. The Leuchter Report
        5. British code-crackers were able to monitor concentration camp deaths. And causes.
        6. French Resistance denied the Holocaust
        7. Previous False claim of German gas chambers in WW1
        8. Amounts of Zyklon-B used; no difference in quantity used between ALL camps
        9. Nuremburg Trials: Jew-led farce, soap, shrunken heads & lamp shades. And TORTURE.
       10. Disposal of bodies; crematorium capabilities, and the absurdly -wildly- impossible
       11.  Liberation Film of Belsen concentration camp is MISLEADING; deaths were due to TYPHUS
       12. No film or photographs of any Homicidal Gas Chambers       
       13. Churchill, Eisenhower, de Gaulle ALL never Mentioned the Alleged Holocaust in their memoirs

       14. Star Witness to the Alleged Holocaust Elie Wiesel – EXPOSED
       15-1 Fake Photographic and Film Holocaust 'Evidence', and the ever-changing numbers  
          Part 1: Fake Photos and Fake Film

       15-2. Fake Photographic and Film Holocaust evidence, and the ever-changing Numbers
          Part 2: The ever-changing Numbers

       16-1. Balfour declaration, WW1, and… six million Jews! What, already in 1914?? Premonition? Magic? A holy number?
           Part 1: “6 million, 6 gorillion, 6 trillion, woe-woe-woe-is-me!”

       16-2. Balfour Declaration, opportunist Jews switching sides, the Kaiser's 1916 Peace Proposals
          Part 2: Question – exactly why were the Kaiser's peace overtures summarily rebuffed?

       17. Holocaust Denial Laws, and persecution for…. the asking of BASIC Questions??
       18. 'Mainstream' (ha!) Media is 96% owned by Jews & Zionists. Screa-ming BIAS.
       19. No Business like Shoah Business. Follow the money trail?
       20. Census figures of Jews, including from JEWISH own sources! FLATLY contradict the 'Six Million'.

21) Inmate facilities at Auschwitz; NOT what you might think, if you dig deeper.

       22. Jewish Kabbalah Mysticism, And Their Obsessive Manipulation Of The Holocaust's 'Six Million'
       23. Controversy in the Ukraine – how many Jews were really 'massacred' there?
       24. Making babies perfectly explains the missing 'Six Million' – what!?

      31. Use of Ground Penetration Radar at Treblinka

Articles written by Moggy:
        1. “I will always believe”
        2. “Critical Mass” in Holocaust Skepticism
        3. The Hart-Celler Act & 9-11 versus the 2021 Saul Alinsky Constitutional Coup
        4. To deny this happened is to call thousands and thousands of survivors abject liars
        5.  The 5-fold Holocaust “Numbers” conundrum
        6. Reflections on HolocaustGAB.com  3-30-21
        7. He was a Lunatic
        8. Relentless Brainwashing and Mass Psychological Manipulation
        9. The Holocaust Flowery Lie Industry
       10. When Expats quietly muse. Of tales, unspeakable. (Part 1)
       11. When Ex-pats quietly muse. Of tales, unspeakable. (Part 2)
       12. When Ex-pats quietly muse. Of tales, unspeakable. (Part 3)

       What are the Questions?   'Speaking'
1. Red Cross Records

David Cole       46 Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers

Foreword   by Bradley R.Smith
Unanswered Questions 1-6  The Zyklon-B issue
Unanswered Questions 7-14   Physical evidence at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp (Poland)

Moggy & Mordechai, a Debate on the Holocaust, Part 1
Moggy & Mordechai, a Debate on the Holocaust, Part 2
Moggy & Mordechai, a Debate on the Holocaust, Part 3

Holocaust DEFENDERS Section

   1. Introduction, and the persistent problem of 'the Grand Woof-woof'
   2. HDOT article on Treblinka
   3. Quantifying the Holocaust: Hyperintense kill rates during the Nazi genocide
       by Lewi Stone

The REAL Holocausts, across Europe, that are being steadily forgotten

Bolshevik Revolution & immediate aftermath, 1917
Cheka Bloodbath
White Russians
Stalin's victims
Katyn Forest
mass rape of German women by the Allied armies, especially on the Eastern Front
Rhineland Death camps
mass rape, murder and robbery of fleeing German civilians by Polish, Czech and other civilians from former German territories
Armenian genocide

'Dan the Oracle' Videos
“What the Jews did to the Germans”

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on April 20, 2021, 9:21 am

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