
The ALOOF problem

Posted on October 3, 2019

Posted in The Coming European Civil War(s)

The ALOOF problem

I'll just leave this right here. Somebody will get mad.

Related News article – Swedes fleeing the migrant invasion


The ALOOF problem is defined as:

Where the Quisling native 'Elite' (i.e. the Putrid Oligarchy) systematically destroy their own country with their insane Open Borders policies, but are themselves (at least for now) (har-har) inured (by wealth and privilege) to the disastrous effects and consequences of their foolhardiness,.

If it gets too rough? Too violent? Worried about daughters getting gang raped & abducted on the way to school? They simply move on, and often into gated communities. Heavily gated. Expensive. Where they can mix with?  Who? Their own kind.
Until such time as 'the pain' comes and visits THEM, in THEIR street, or in THEIR home, all the invasive crime & drug & rape is just like a casual TV movie. They are dis-connected from it. It means nothing.  It doesn't HURT. (And that Kalergi plaque looks good over the marble fireplace) (right?)

I reluctantly, with no joy or satisfaction , repeat what I have said many, many times. It is an area in which I have (cough) some personal experience:
***  Many people ONLY respect & understand STRENGTH and/or
*** Everything else is misunderstood as weakness, to be taken full
       advantage of.
I guess I'll have to add to that cold summary, for the benefit of Leftist R-strategists, of the Swedish type, who are wholly (lower Kelvin region) cold & indifferent to the suffering of their lower class fellow citizens.
*** Many people ONLY respect & understand STRENGTH and/or
*** Everything else is misunderstood as weakness, to be taken full advantage of.
*** UNLESS you're a Leftist R-strategist. Then as long as you personally can always flee the mess you constantly create, (and continue to hide, flaunt & pose in wealthy, heavily gated communities), then only a PERSONAL VISIT of P-A-I-N to your private gated street, or your personal home, will wipe that smug smile off your self-satisfied PC-Kalergi face.

Which is why I predict (PREDICT) that so-called “Far Right” groups (actually, just ordinary Patriots) WILL TARGET the R-strategist PERSONALLY in their OWN HOMES. Bring the P-A-I-N home.

The 'locust' symbolism for these rich, PC posing, ideologues? Not quite right. The locusts are the plague they let loose. These R-strategist-planners? More like the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, too stubborn to bend, until it H-U-R-T. Really, hurt. Rivers of blood.

Ah, Pain. Miracle cure.

The ideology of the violent Patriot paramilitaries (I predict) will reflect this thinking. Matter of time before we start seeing more of it.

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on October 3, 2019, 12:55 pm

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