The coming European Civil War (3) Tactics
Posted on January 22, 2017
The Coming European Civil War (s)
Part Three: Tactics
Gustav knows the First Step Cell members, of which he is an ordinary member, very well.
Older men mostly, they have known each other for many years, well before the date of the Great Betrayal, on September 5th, 2015. A Day that was destined to live in Infamy and Contempt. Merkel's Great Madness. A sweeping promise, a blank check, the Surrender of Innocence, delivered without much forethought, never mind consultation, by an ageing, childless , burned out, limelight hogging, deluded and treacherous Virtue Seeker. The worst type. The biggest possible liability. In the first throes of Senile Decay. With an irrational, pathological fear of dogs. Gustav regards Merkel's tenure as destructive and as perfidious as that of the reviled Vidkun Quisling. World War two Nazi collaborator, and traitor to Norway. Gustav fervently wishes upon Hure Merkel the same fate as that which befell Vidkun. Firing Squad. Meanwhile, until the German people finally come to their senses, and the sleepwalking, cowed, and pitifully pliable masses awaken, Gustav knows it's all down to
the small, reviled minority
to step up
and change History
His own cell, of which he is the leader, is composed of younger men. His mind analyses them. It is he, and he alone who has carefully recruited them. They know only him as their contact person to the rest of the shadowy Spider's Web. At issue now, is their ability to adjust to a steady, but remorseless ratcheting up of the intensity of the conflict.
Sofar, their activities have been purely defensive in nature. Not involving the use of lethal Force. Street Patrols, protecting women and children. Meting out vigilante Justice. Broken heads, bloody noses, and plentiful bruises. Young Muslim thugs, accustomed to owning the streets at night, and increasingly during the days as well, have been in for some rude shocks. They are not -yet- used to encountering roving SOW patrols, in numbers, determined, capable and willing to mete out severe beatings on the spot. They are still plying their drug trade, enjoying their criminal enterprises, and openly leering and lusting after young white women. Their grooming gangs, enjoying undreamed of spoils, and ever intensifying their brazen contempt for Western Culture and values, are yet in full swing. The Rotherham Report, with the official figures of 1,400 young white girls between the ages of 11 and 16 sexually gang raped and abused for years, is a crudely attempted white wash of Police and Social Workers. And of an ineffective, effete, PC compliant British Government. The true numbers of victims is not only MUCH higher, the abuses continue, unabated. Increasing in scope and intensity. Gustav knows that the Muslims, with their numbers still -percentage wise- small, are demonstrating breath taking aggression, intolerance, and hatred for the West. It is a display of illegality and immorality, and contempt for everything Christian, that bodes extremely darkly for that which is yet to come. Once they have bred their numbers up. Gustav sighs. He sees pogroms, white genocide, and terror.
He walks back to his desk, and ponders the young, idealistic, desperately well meaning members of his own small cell. They look up to him. They will follow his lead. But are they ready? Ready for an intensification? A major -huge- escalation?
Trickling down from the top of the Pyramid, cautiously as ever, on guard against Government infiltration and espionage, a new tactic is being passed down. In simple words:
“It's time to take the fight to the enemy. “
Gustav is in complete agreement.
It's time to man up.
(to be continued)
Last edited by Francis Meyrick on January 27, 2017, 9:40 pm
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