I'm a Christian. Fight? I can't fight.
Posted on April 23, 2020
“BUT, but…. I'm a Christian. Fight? I can't fight. I must only love. And forgive.”
I see this conundrum a lot. Personally heard it, too. When is this a valid reasoning? And when does it become a sophisticated excuse for inaction, even rank cowardice? GAB claims/has a million subscribers, and of those, a small, yappy minority do most of the barking. (Yes, I'm guilty as charged) Many of our silent, hovering souls, who are read-only on GAB, who stay wisely enough in the shadows, are nonetheless likely seeking a way forward. Many sadly see the writing on the wall, in an angry Arabic scrawl, daubed in blood. Funded and enabled by #Blue.
But they are devout Christians. What to do?
Meh. I adopt a slightly nonchalant, even cold approach to that. I'm not an Atheist, or an Agnostic, although many of my buds are. No pacifist either. But I can tell you two tales.
Firstly, there is the joke about the super religious guy, and the Katrina hurricane flood coming in. He was offered a lift to safety, by several passing cars.
“No, thank you, but I trust in the Lord! He will save me!”
The water started coming in. He climbed a tree, praising God. A boat came by, offered a ride.
“No, thank you, but I trust in the Lord! He will save me!”
Next a motorboat came by, and then, two helicopters.
“No, thank you, but I trust in the Lord! He will save me!”
The water rose. He fell out of the bloody tree. And drowned.
A good man, he went to heaven. He ran to Jesus, and cried out: “Lord! Lord! Why didn't you save me?”
And Jesus replied, sadly:
“I sent you five cars, two boats, two helicopters…. Are you ever DUMB. What more did you want??”
Ha! Moral: use your frickin' common God-given sense.
Next: true story from Rhodesia. Seriously. TRUE. Long time ago. A SUPER holy religious extended family, wholly in love with God, always publicly disavowed violence and guns, and loved every man. Regardless. Including the black terrorists, who knocked on the farm door one night, and announced their intention to murder everybody. The Super-Holy we-are-saved brigade remonstrated, and offered their Christian love, but it was all refused. So? What to do? So they marched out, meekly, singing hymns and praises to God, with all their children, all their voices raised in a heavenly choir, and went under the machete. All slaughtered.
Question: do you think God was pleased? Or did he say:
“I gave you hands that can be folded in prayer, or balled into fists. I gave you a brain, that can assess danger and required future defenses. Yes, I gave you love, but did you not love your children enough to fight tooth-and-nail for them? Were you testing me that I was required to intervene? You guys were pretty DUMB…”
Draw your own conclusions.
Last edited by Francis Meyrick on April 23, 2020, 9:21 am
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