
Reflections on HolocaustGAB.com 3-30-21

Posted on March 30, 2021

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Reflections on HolocaustGAB.com  3-30-21

Staring in quiet disbelief, not to mention quiet sadness, at the attached (on target) meme, I find myself, as per not unusual, sleepless and perplexed.
Wondering how we ever got here. I never saw it coming. Did you? I sensed big trouble. But nothing like this. How did we get here, and what's happening in this little spaceship, our world? Our only home, in the vast Universe? Our little place, that needs nurturing. Over which we fight, and hate, ceaselessly.  And destroy.
And what can I, a poor church mouse, do about it? Nothing has changed, since I wrote, in my profile:
“Who, indeed, am I? Save just another, tiny, curious, inquisitive mind? Peeking, like a little church mouse, out at the Universe? Exploring the Cosmos?”
And yet, things have changed. I sense a better approach has been found. A better M.O.
In our sister groups (# 187 and # 2488) we soon built up 1000's of members. A TON of information lies buried there, and it's almost impossible to go back and FIND it all.
Nor could my feeble mind possibly retain it all. Too much like drinking, parched, from a fire hydrant.
In this group, 2412, the 'notes section' HolocaustGAB.com has helped me, at least, (if nobody else) build up a better memory structure. A more accessible reference & links archive.   It's the on-point inputs from Internet spirits, often insightful 1 and 2-liners, that have helped me build out what feels like a better grip on the true-or-false debates over the  'six million'. Of course, the more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. Par for the course. @jondoman007 beats up on me regularly for (his words) 'obsessing on the Holocaust', to the detriment of all the Other Awful that has taken place, or is taking place.  I actually quite agree with a lot of what he grumbles about.
The problem, however, is structure, archiving, absorbing, retaining. As opposed to going off in a million directions, blowing your tiny mind up.

Looking at HolocaustGAB.com, for the next while,  I'd like to try and make a-post-a-day, and work my way through completing paras 20), 21), 23) and the 'David Cole' set of '46 important unanswered questions regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers.'
There's a bit of mischief-making going on with my 'Moggy and Mordechai' pretend-debates, might play around some more there.
But after that, I think I'll take a break from the 'six million' and examine maybe the Holodomor, the Armenian massacre, or Peter McLoughlin's 'Easy Meat'.

Finally, check out the slow building up of my NEW website. The problem with the OLD Writers' Harbor is that the software behind it can't be easily upgraded, to allow for useful plug ins.  We are slowly building up a parallel NEW site, using WordPress, which will allow for many plug-ins, such as video storage. That hopefully will defeat the endless bugbear, where censors like Google and YouTube, etc, imperiously delete anything they happen not to like.  There are other benefits as well. Faster upload, for one. It's real ROUGH still, work-in-progress, but you should find it as www.newwritersharbor.com    Click HERE.

Thank you for supporting my tiny, struggling mind, as it feebly (but honestly) tries to reduce the duh-load of 'dumb' it admittedly contains.

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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 30, 2021, 5:50 am

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