22. Jewish Kabbalah Mysticism, and their obsessive manipulation of the Holocaust’s ‘Six Million’
Posted on March 27, 2021
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22. Jewish Kabbalah Mysticism, and their obsessive manipulation of the Holocaust’s ‘Six Million’

A bunch of us were talking about the rather strange, even suspicious, earlier origins of the ‘six million figure’, and how it goes back to way, way before World War 2. We went back to 1914 (mention in the New York Times), then further back to 1850, again a mention in the New York Times. You will find that discussion in our entry 16-1.
16-1. Balfour declaration, WW1, and… six million Jews! What, already in 1914?? Premonition? Magic? A holy number?
Part 1: “6 million, 6 gorillion, 6 trillion, woe-woe-woe-is-me!”
Further Reading? Click HERE
So we thought we were doing, (ahem,cough), pretty good taking it back to 1850. Which, we submit, casts furious doubt on the much later claim that this ‘six million’ represents a factual, empirical, correct COUNT of the number of Jews murdered by the Germans during WW2.
How could they have known, eh?
But, as we keep learning, there is always somebody coming along, rocking us back on our heels.
@CMichael wrote:
“Its much further back than 1850, its based upon the gematria in the Zohar aka mystical Judaism . if you have a puke bucket proceed. Based upon myth that 6 million Jews must perish before their messiach comes which to Christians is the antichrist
If you go to THAT link, you will probably blink, like I did, as you walk innocently, smack right into this article, quoted in full below:
(I’ve highlighted some parts in RED, especially the Hitler era references)
Kabalistic Gematria and the Myth of the Six Million
When someone is working a magic spell over you, the spell can easily be broken once you understand how the trick works. It is much like this with the Jewish Myth of the Six Million,which has successfully (after a couple of early 20th century false starts in 1919 and the early 1930s) been incorporated as
an inviolable article of faith into the actual empirical history of WWII.
If you understand the real processes concerning how the number of Jewish victims (or sacrifices) was arrived at, you will very easily be able to separate History from Myth, and there is a very significant difference between the two, no matter what traveling carnies and professional snake-oil salesmen like Elie Wiesel and Simon Wiesenthal may tell you.
This now well-known six million number is, in fact, not a number from the world of empirical history, but one from the realm of Jewish mysticism and the human religious imagination. It is a mystic multiple of the Hebrew letter Vav. The letter Vav (or Vau, Waw) = the sounds of the English letters V, W, or U, while numerically V (or V, W = 6 (as in the numeral six).
This Kabalistically sacred number 6 is interpreted as representing the concept of cosmic completion,as in the number of days it took G-d to create the complete world. This number also signifies the 6 directions of space (north, south, east, west, up, down), and the 6 points on the star of David. Within the cosmic completion notion attached to the number six, there is also the idea involving the completion of a circle or cycle, such as from exile to homecoming.
In the literature of the Kabala, such as the books of the Zohar, the number of 6,000,000 is considered to be the number of perfect souls times 10, with the number 10 representing the total number of Sephira, i.e. the divine emanations of G-d.
Alef, the first letter of the first word of Creation = 1 or 1,000. (1,000 x 6 = 6,000 x 10 = 60,000 x 10 = 600,000 x 10 = 6,000,000). This mystic sexagesimal (60-based) system was most assuredly adopted by Jewish scribes during their sojourn in Babylonia. The Babylonians, of course, borrowed this mathematical system from the earlier Sumerians. The three separate multiplications by 10 in this calculation can also each represent one of the three points on the sacred triangle? The pre-Judaic fertility symbol represented by the star of David consists of two sacred triangles, the one pointing downwards represents water and the feminine principle, while the one pointing upwards represents fire and the masculine principle. In this fashion, the symbol of the star of David can be interpreted to represent the Active and Passive principles of Creation united in harmony and equilibrium.
In the books of the Zohar, the Hebrew letter Yod and the letter He, which make up the first two letters of the divine Tetragrammaton YHWH, also represent, respectively, the male and female principles of Creation. YH (Yah), of course, is the name of the original Canaanite deity that the idea of YHWH is based upon. The number 6 is represented in the Tetragrammaton name of the Deity by W (the letter Vav). In the Zohar Book of Concealed Mystery it is explained that, by means of utterance, the sound of the letter Y(od) creates the worlds as an idea in the Divine Mind, and then later, with help from the feminine principle of H(e), gives form to these ideas as fabricated material reality after receiving Light from V(av) (or W). This provides the triangular, triliteral, trilateral name of YHW (Yod, He, Vav/Waw). Adding the extra feminine creative principle represented by the letter H, gives the full, ineffable Tetragrammaton of the Deity’s sacred name YHWH.
Aside from the multiple processes of Notariqon where every letter, or just the initials, medials, and finals, is taken to be a possible initial letter or abbreviation for another completely different word or Temura, where each letter in a word or phrase is substituted for either the letter that precedes or follows it in the Hebrew alphabet, one of the leading principles in the Kabalistic interpretation of sacred Hebrew texts is called Gematria. This involves a mystical analysis of sacred texts that operates according to various numerological principles. Every Hebrew letter has a sound as well as a numerical value, so by adding together all the numerical values of each letter in a word or phrase, different interpretations and analyses of a text can be arrived at. For example, the Hebrew letter Shin, with the sound sh, also has the numerical value of 300, which equals the total numerical value of all the letters in the phrase Ruach Elohim (RVCh ALHIM), the spirit (or breath) of the Elohim, from Genesis 1:2 R = 200, V = 6, Ch = 8, A = 1, L = 30, H = 5, I = 10, and M = 40; TOTAL = 300. In this way, the letter Shin, with its numerical value of 300, is interpreted by the Kabalists as symbolizing the spirit (or breath) of the Elohim [the God(s)]. It is this Kabalistic numerological process of Gematria which provides the prophetic Holocaust interpretation of a verse from the third book of Torah – Leviticus, Chapter 25: Verse 10. This six million number in the Jewish Holocaust narrative is a sacred numerological figure which was also spoken of by the 12th century Jewish philosopher Moshe ben-Maimon, or Rambam (Maimonides, 1135-1204).
“…and you shall hallow the fiftieth year. You shall proclaim release (liberty) throughout the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee (Heb: yobel, a ram’s horn) for you: each of you shall return to his holding and each of you shall return to his family.” (TORAH: Leviticus 25:10)
English translation from: TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures (The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text). Philadelphia/Jerusalem: 1985, p. 196.

This phrase, ‘you shall return’, from Leviticus 25:10 is written in Kabbalistic versions of the Torah as TShVU. Grammatically, however, this phrase should have been written TShuVU, but the letter Vav, which should follow the letter Shin, is MISSING! Another part of this prophecy of six million burnt holocaust offerings, followed by a tribal homecoming, is formed by adding up the numerical values of this grammatically incomplete phrase.
Tav = 400
Shin = 300
Vet (or Bet) = 2
Vav (or Vaw, Waw) = 6
TOTAL = 708
When the year of the Hebrew calendar is written, the millennia number is always 5, and is therefore never written (a kind of short-hand), so the 708 in this case can be interpreted by the process of Kabalistic gematria as referring to the year 5708, which just so happens to equal the Christian calendar date of 1948, the year when the modern State of Israel was declared.
The phrase (repeated twice) in Leviticus 25:10 TaShuVU (you shall return) can now be interpreted according to the principles of Kabalistic gematria as:
“you shall return (lacking, minus, or without the 6[,000,000] in the year [5]708).”
For this Kabalistically generated prophecy to actually be fulfilled, however, the Nazis would have had to actually cremate the bodies of 6 million Jews in their detention camp bread ovens. At this point, it then must be asked, that if Hitler had really planned to systematically exterminate the roughly 3 to 4.5 million Jews of Europe in his efficiently run German extermination camps, or ‘death camps’, why are there still several hundred thousand people walking around with IBM-generated detention camp numbers tattooed on their arms? Were the German Nazis really that incompetent? And what about the 150,000 assimilated Jews and mischlinge (‘mixed’) Jews who served in the German armed forces? How come Hitler didn’t round them up, seize their assets, and put them in camps?
(see: Bryan Mark Rigg, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, 2002.)
When dealing with Kabbalistic numerology, we are basically dealing with concepts of magic and power. Kabala is very much about the acquisition of power and control over matter through magic, and after all, the dictionary definition of a cabal is a conspiratorial group, so the understanding of Kabalistic processes is highly relevant to understanding the manipulations of modern power politics.
Because of this power-seeking numerological magic, the number of 6,000,000 cannot be changed or altered, even when the official death tolls at Auschwitz are reduced from 4,000,000 to 1,000,000 (The multi-volume, 1948 reports of the International Red Cross, however, put total Auschwitz deaths at the still sad and unfortunate number of 52,389).
For the ritualistic repetition of this magical Holocaust spell to continue working upon the minds of the goyim though, the 6,000,000 number must never be altered, hence all the international, anti-real-Holocaust research legislation. The secular religion that has replaced Judaism for many Jews is the religion of the Holocaust, and what gives this religion its power is the magical unalterable number of 6,000,000. And for the word holocaust (or burnt offering) to have any meaning in this religion, there is absolute necessity for the placement within this narration of the concept that these 6,000,000 were systematically sacrificed and burnt in ovens. Without this sacred fatality number of 6,000,000 and the Nazi ovens working round the clock for a mere 4.5 years, the entire Holocaust religion, in its two most important elements, falls like a house of cards and loses all of its power over the goyim.
Who knows, Christians worldwide might even take time out one day to shed a single tear for the very real 7.5 million mainly Ukrainian Orthodox Christians who died from starvation due to Stalin’s policies of punishment in the 1930s. Many of these Ukrainians who survived the famines were also sent to detention camps (in Siberia). Maybe the Christian world will build a memorial to them in Washington, D.C. and also say, NEVER AGAIN!
This Holocaust religion has been correctly and succinctly explained by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he said, They have fabricated a legend under the name of ‘Massacre of the Jews’, and they hold it higher than God Himself, religion itself, and the prophets themselves. With Holocaust museums as temples, it is a religion of exaggeratedly romanticized and glorified imaginary heroic martyrdom wherein the suffering of perhaps a million Jews during WWII is looked upon as unique and transcendentally separate from, and beyond, the sufferings of all other humans throughout the entire course of recorded or unrecorded history.
The only FULLY protected (by law) religion on earth is that of the Holocaust Faith. One can urinate on Christ or construct a Virgin Mary painting out of elephant dung in a museum and charge admission, but jail and never-ending social exile will surely come to anyone who questions the mythic burning sacrifice of six million bodies to the Nazi Moloch deity. Deny the legislatively protected dogmas of the Holocaust Religion and suffer the Inquisition!
The people who push for the Orwellian Trojan horse of anti-hate speech laws only serve the manipulative cabal of what might be called historical truth deniers. And they will not have an honest debate against any real historians on these issues because they know that their house is built on the sands of emotional fiction, and mystic mumbo-jumbo, and they would be fully exposed within the hour of the debating contest. Their power is the power to endlessly parse, obfuscate, and cheaply manipulate emotions (Ooo, what about the poor victims, don’t you have any heart?, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah…), but when it comes to logic, hard facts, or any kind of real documentary evidence outside of confessions acquired through torture and extortion, their part in this historical debate basically disappears. Stripped of their emotionally based content, they are left with nothing but a three-legged chair to sit on, very much like the fake version of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
The Holocaust House of Cards will come down, and the spell of the magical Kabalistic six million number over the emotions of the goyim and their generous, naive wallets will most assuredly come to an end. The truth of 9/11 will also be understood, and then Americans will take back their Republic, driving the money-changers once again from the Temple. In the meantime, the innocent Jews of the world would do well to soberly apprise themselves of this momentous international awakening to the lies of modern history.
The Kabbalah Unveiled, containing the following Books of the Zohar, The Book of Concealed Mystery, The Greater Holy Assembly, and The Lesser Holy Assembly. Translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers from the Latin version of Knorr Von Rosenroth, and collated with the original Chaldee and Hebrew text. London: Penguin Group, 1991.
TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures (The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text). Philadelphia/Jerusalem: The Jewish Publication Society, 1985.
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Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:18 pm
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