Thoughts on HATE
Posted on April 2, 2021
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Thoughts on HATE
Polite Reminder: to HATE an orchestrated serial untruth, a lie, a fabrication, a myth, an extortion racket…
is NOT the same as…
HATING people.
We don’t say: “Hate all Jews! Run ’em over! Kill ’em! Throw rocks at them anytime you see one!”
We say: “look at the F-A-C-T-S. Hate the L-I-E-S.”
There is a difference, that ‘they’ like to gloss over. Obfuscate.
The Holocaust Myth Perpetuation Brigade, extremely well funded, ALWAYS try and make us out as PEOPLE HATERS.
The absolute last thing ‘they’ want is for more people to become interested in the FACTS.
Join our little study group on GAB. Find us here: Click HERE
Find my own self-study notes, often based on group input, and links & insights provided by group members, here on
I’m a retired helicopter fling-wing jockey, not a Holocaust expert.
I just do my best.

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