

Posted on June 5, 2012

There are omens in the heavens
For those who choose to see
Portents of events to come
Which bode ill for such as we

The breeze that wafted gently
At mornings early light
Has risen now the trees to bow
And shifted birds in flight

The sky we knew which once was blue
Has taken somber mien
Bright clouds have turned to darkness
Swollen now with rain

Warning has been given
If we would only hear
Thunder stalks across the land
Drawing ever near

The stag has taken refuge
Deep within a vale
With his mate they both await
The now impending gale

A falcon has abandoned wing
And huddles at her nest
A vixen harbors in her den
Where she will take her rest

Lighting roams across the sky
And shatters dark with light
It sears into our vision
And takes away our sight

The pending flood will chill the blood
Of every living thing
Hearken to the menace
Peril does it bring

Fury looms before us
As we cower in the lee
Cold wind falls down on field and town
A sign of what will be

Nature’s wrath is mounting
And so we should pay heed
We must take care and be aware
And seek shelter at our need

We shall repair to our own lair
Where it is dry and warm
A tempest is upon us
Beware the coming storm

Last edited by T. Clifford on January 6, 2013, 5:14 am

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2 responses to “Tempest”

  1. Welcome to the Harbor!
    I like the avatar and description. There go many of us…

    Very strong, and pleasing, imagery.  I really liked:

    QuoteThe sky we knew which once was blue
    Has taken somber mein
    Bright clouds have turned to darkness
    Swollen now with rain

    And that can be physical rain, but can also be metaphorical, for troubles ahead. Leading on from that however, we know that heavy rain can be deadly, but also purifying. The contradiction of misfortune, bewilderment, even combat.

    A couple of small typos:  "A falcon has abandonded wing"
                    "Fury looms before as"   (us?)

    This poem shows strong imagery, and careful craftsmanship in terms of rhyme and meter. It’s nice to see somebody make an effort to take the craft seriously. Too much "freestyle" is hard to read, and way too obscure. This flows and reads well.

    The only minor hick up perhaps in the pleasing meter is here:

    QuoteNature’s wrath is mounting
    And so we must take heed
    We must take care and be aware
    And seek shelter at our need

    Where I struggled a little with the last line.

    All good stuff.   

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Moggy.
    I am gratified that you recognised one of the subtleties I attempted, as I did, in fact, intend for the reference to clouds swollen with rain to be taken in both the literal and the metaphorical sense.

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