Simone from Calais
Posted on February 20, 2016
Simone from Calais
There is much garbage on the Internet, and that includes garbage You-Boob videos. But amongst the chaff, we find the wheat. One personal story is that of Simone, told with a raw sincerity. If left me sad and despondent, and determined, in my own naïve and gormless way, to ‘do something’. That mindset usually gets me into trouble, as I wade in to waters flowing dark, deep and fast. I invite the viewer to quietly study this intensely personal narrative. If you come out of this thinking we should still ‘help these poor unfortunate immigrants’ then I’m not sure if I should admire your idealism, laugh at your naivety, or weep over your innocence. My sense… oh, watch it first. See what you think.
My sense is that the lady speaks from the warm, feeling heart. Her comment about ‘the death of civilization’ ring uncomfortably true. You sense also a wholly demoralized Police Force, and the breakdown of Law and Order.
The other one I felt conferred another element of the tragedy was this one. Just the sense of normally peaceful life rudely disturbed, probably forever. People should never feel besieged in their own homes.
It seems at first that the interviewer in the third video is heartless. No compassion. Look again. Is there are also maybe such a thing as “False compassion” or “misplaced compassion”…? I think he has a point. Here as well we see how shallow their Muslim ‘religion’ is. It has no depth. Islam is high on ‘voluble expressions’ of their politically motivated ideology, dressed up zealously in fine and colorful garb as a ‘Religion of Peace’ (which is an outright lie), but ranks barely a drop above ’empty’ in substance. Take a look.
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