Francis Meyrick

The Importance of Self – or Not?

Posted on November 29, 2014

The Importance of Self – or Not?

I am a Child of the Universe – and I am loved

For a long time in my Life, I saw myself as at the center of the Universe. Maybe not consciously, but effectively, Life revolved around me. Oh, and I was important. I was essential actually. I also, coincidentally (or not) wrestled mightily with feelings of guilt and inadequacy.

It’s taken years for a shift to occur. But once that change started to flow, it ended up being a Tsunami. It was a painfully slow realization, but powerful as it unfolded. Damn. I was small. The Sky was big. I was finite. In terms of Time, I was just a blink in the eye of Forces unimaginably greater than I. But, still, I mattered.

Lots of things happened, some good, some really bad, and then I spent five years flying helicopters of Taiwanese and Korean tuna fishing boats, all over the Pacific Ocean. It was the Wild West of helicopter flying, dangerous, exciting, and raw. Close to Nature. Lots of accidents, shared dangers, shared tragedies. I started writing, more and more. I spent a lot of time in solitude. I share those stories on my website

I came out of that, a changed person. I no longer saw myself as anywhere near the center of the Universe. I think I saw myself in a much more truthful, and accurate light. I was a child of the Universe, beloved, despite all my frailties, by a Great Cosmic Kindness, that I sensed, but could not hope to understand.

I blog about this. Very simply, trying to figure it all out. I don’t doubt that many readers and visitors to my little perch in Cyberspace may be able to offer insights and reading material that would be greatly advantageous to my little spirit.
I know that if you need a Teacher, he will find you.

I therefore welcome your messages, and you can contact me easily through the dreaded FaceBook, or by joining this website.

I wish you Peace, and, if you are struggling in your walk, I embrace you, and gladly offer you all my simple heart can give you.

Francis “Moggy ” Meyrick

here’s a way of thinking I am attracted to:

go back to list of possible Tunnels Out? Fly

go back to Index? Smile

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on December 24, 2014, 6:10 pm

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