Francis Meyrick

My Local Hero – Free Hugs

Posted on November 29, 2014

A Hug in Ferguson – A Young Fellow who SEES – I want one too

You know why I admire this lad?

Because he is going to cop it from his local community’s “activists “. (read: thugs)

And you know something?

I bet he knew that.

And he STILL went ahead and did the human thing.

My hero.

And all those biased “investigative ” reporters…

all those professional race hate baiters…

all those hardened cynics who exploit and inflame…

Humanity: 1

Cynicism, falsity, hypocrisy, race baiting, inflammatory “coverage “: 0


If only we had more people with that sort of courage, to row against the current.

How you…?

go back to Index? Smile

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on November 29, 2014, 4:06 pm

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