Francis Meyrick

“Come into my Parlor ” said the Spider to the Fly

Posted on July 29, 2011

photo: marykbaird
“Come into my parlor ” said the Spider to the Fly

(a cautionary tale? Nah…. just really silly schtuff…)

“Come into my parlor,
said the Spider to the Fly;
the place is very comfy,
the ceiling nice and high.
Your wings could do with leisure,
they look quite beat to me
come in and fill your measure
of jam and toast for tea. “

“Thank you kindly, Spider,
the simple Fly replied,
(the empty tum inside ‘er,
helping her decide)
“I’d love some jammy munchies
it’s been a long hard day
and have you any crunchies,
to go with my entree?

The Spider smiled all nectarine,
and promised goo galore
“As much as you have ever seen,
you’ll never wish for more. “

The Spider kept his promise,
the Fly could only wail
“Oh why did I so misconstrue
the meaning of your tale?
I should have guessed quite easily,
the menu of the day;
but here I land so queesily,
smack in the old puree.

Which only goes to show anew
that smiles are mostly thin
and if a Spider welcomes you
you should never trust his grin…

Francis Meyrick

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on January 24, 2015, 12:06 pm

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