Francis Meyrick

From the Hip (Cajun Style)

Posted on September 7, 2010

Shooting from the Hip (Cajun Style)

(Why beat about the bush when you know a t..d is a t..d?)

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on September 7, 2010, 3:36 pm

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3 responses to “From the Hip (Cajun Style)”

  1. Moggy, you are on a roll.  Call the silver-haried rascal at CNN and get this man an interview…but can we skip the references to the fecal matter,eh?  This is the equivalent of a Cajun version of "I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it any longer" ….just needs a little media exposure to fan those flames of passion that we know beat in all the hearts of these guys.

    I’m glad someone somewhere is still speaking out against the moratorium.  I cannot understand how they put so much into the big rally…then just let things die off.  You don’t give up or give in until ya win or yer dead.  Ain’t won, yet.  Is everyone out there still kickin’, or what?

  2. ROTFLMAO….let’s just say, I have not objection to you putting them on a fecal roster…

    Nice, quick work…you really changed that one quickly…giggling aloud.  Are all the boys in yer band so obliging?  Be careful about the toad…you know what they tell women these days, "Before ya meet the handsome prince, ya have to kiss a lot of toads".  Whewww—-eeee.  No telling what ya might might come back with on yer lips kissing those, er….toads.

    Once again, Moggy…yer a real gentleman.  Just in case no one else ever told ya, I thought I would.

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