A Man should love his Liberty
December 19, 2022 in Poetry (spiritual quest)
A man should love his Liberty
A man should love his Liberty.
As precious as his Life, itself.
Whether he call himself a Seeker, a Dreamer, or a Patriot?
A National Socialist? Or a Fascist?
He should love his Liberty.
A man should love his Liberty.
He should guard it, vigilantly.
Beware of those who seek brutal dominion, over his mind.
He should love his Liberty.
The way ahead is not always clear.
In the blizzard of ideas, the daily overload,
of competing claims, the staccato hammering,
of false apostles. The lies presented as Gospel,
the false smiles, of demons, armed, with hidden knives.
I ask you not, to follow me
or even believe, a word I say?
I ask you, humbly, to cherish instead
the restless whirring, in your head…
Why do I write?
November 5, 2022 in Why do I write?
The Slave Gate
Why do I write?
Writing is a form of playing an instrument.
Absently, plinking away on a guitar. Plucking at a violin.
Except when you scribble-write? You are gently testing the lute strings of your heart.
Soaring away, in your mind. Leaving the Harsh, False, Plastic Reality that ‘they’ methodically dish up, every day? Far, far behind.
When I scribble, absently? I go far away. Sometimes my fingers tap away, in another Space-Time dimension.
But I am standing, alone, on a cliff top, windswept. Gazing out to sea.
Peering, apprehensively, out of the Slave Gate.
The Soft Regret
October 11, 2022 in Investigation & Articles
Skating on thin Ice
October 8, 2022 in Investigation & Articles
Skating on thin Ice
I do not like to speak the harsh word.
As much as I have always felt repulsed by crude, blustering speech-makers, strutting the cardboard stage, lo-ving that flickering lime-light, I have so often tried to couch my feeble thinking in the soft word. Stepping through Life, as much as possible, politely. On fairly rare occasions, this reticence has faltered, or even hopelessly failed. And a quarter of a mile away? Yes, that fluent flow of, um, colorful invective, that tsunami of Irish cuss-words and primordial, teeth-gnashing ferocity? Yes, that was me. Guilty as charged. Mad as hell, and fit to be tied.
When I feel that quiet fury, welling up, as I do tonight, I draw a deep breath, and I try -so hard- to let it all out, but gently, and reasonably. Whether I succeed or not, this time, I will let the reader judge. Suffice it to say, I am not pleased. The source of my frustration is an old one, that has bothered me a million times already. I will quote from a ‘holy’ detractor, a person clearly very comfortable with his seating at the right hand of God. This person has chosen to speak down at me, pat-patting me on my sinful, obstinate head. Which is apparently lost, in his stern Judgment, in the sea of Sin. A millstone around my neck.
His comment was placed in the Holocaust group on GAB. I’m so used to it. I’ll let you read it for yourself. I had asked the gentleman if he believed, from his previous comments, that ‘six million Jews’ were murdered by the evil German people. The gentleman dodged my question initially. I repeated it. And this is what he wrote:
“I absolutely do. Was I there? No. I’ve seen the photos and videos. But – more important – I read God’s Holy Written Word. And in there HE tells us that He will cause them to be scattered to other nations – and they were – the holocaust was part of God’s punishment on Israel for them not obeying Him.
And – He tells us that in the end days the hatred for Israel/Jewish people will be increasing once again – until all nations are surrounding them – to wipe them off the map. Humans much like yourself are helping that prophecy come to pass.
Once Israel is surrounded by all nations and they are about to destroy Israel – – that is when Jesus returns – – to destroy all evil – including those who tried to destroy Israel and the Jewish people.
Do what “you” want – but – if I were you? I”d be pondering if my hatred for Israel was really worth my being destroyed by Christ Jesus…”
I sigh to myself. I think “Oh, Dear Lord. Can I smack him? Please? Around the head? Until his ears glow in the dark?”
(“Probably not.”)
“But, Lord, it would feel so good.”
I sigh, again, and try to marshal, discipline, my furious thoughts. I need to reply to “CeeGee 42” politely. Using the gentle word. My fists stuffed in my pockets. Here we go. Bear with me.
“Dear CeeGEE42”
(folks, I’m trying to be nice, here)
Sir, I respectfully, but firmly, dismiss your reasoning and word as that of a newborn babe, freshly plucked from the womb. Blinking in the unaccustomed Light. You are sadly and pitifully misled, misinformed, and wallowing in naivety verging on pathological retardation. You remind me of a massively over-confident ice skater, confidently turning-spinning doughnuts on a broad lake. The ice measures barely a half inch thick. Below it lurk, unseen, incredibly dark, depths. And there you are, spinning away, even a vertical pirouette or ten, crashing back down. Oh, so confident.
I have met, and listened to a million plus of your Holy Joe, super religious, “I’m saved and you ain’t”, types. Crammed into church pews. Or fulminating grandly from the pulpit. Driving me to drink. Bumping your gums about world issues you don’t have the foggiest real clue about. Lots of wise nodding, and dutiful, choreographed ‘Amens!” , on cue, at the appropriate intervals. Puffed up you are, in your delusions, clueless, that in actual fact? You know nothing. How can you know everything about the Holocaust just from ‘photos and a video or two’? Do you know the Ashkenazi so-called Jews, (the vast majority of Jews today), were the result of a politically opportunistic 7th and 8th century conversion? Of the Khazars? A people living nowhere near today’s Israel? With no significant ancestry at all to the Jews that wandered about in the time of Jesus? Do you know what Jesus said about the Synagogue of Satan? Do you know what all disaster was evilly inflicted upon the German people by the #TalmudicMafia? Do you know the famous movie, “SWindler’s List’ is based on a novel that the Australian writer flat out admits is a work of FICTION? It’s not a documentary? Just cynical Jewish propaganda? Stephen Spielberg (of course) left that bit out?
You know nothing. Just what you THINK you’ve seen ‘in a few photos’ and a video or two. Do you know Alfred Hitchcock was there in the camps? Staging the whole movie drama? Allegedly using the bodies of Dead German POW’s, murdered in Eisenhower’s Rhineland Death Camps, as props? You know nothing…! And the reason you know nothing? Is that you don’t make the slightest effort to learn or study anything. You think you already know it all…! From ONE BOOK!
If a man goes to drive-operate a skyscraper crane? He studies the manual. A pilot, believe me, studies endless Flight Guides. A surgeon spends years reading and learning. A real Historian like David Irving, unlike the trendy Mutual Repeat Parrots, spends years digging through damp basements and old box files. And writes voluminous HISTORY BOOKS. But you? Oh, no! You don’t need any of that! You’ve got the Bible! And your happy-clappy fellow super-holy, saved believers! In your sub-atomic world view, you can intimately understand planes, cranes, Galaxies, Quasars, helicopters, and the Holocaust…! Oh, but not the evidently flourishing Art of self-inflicted LOBOTOMY.
You know everything. All with just ONE BOOK! No, don’t get excited. I’m not knocking that book! It’s extremely revealing. In many ways it has totally changed my little life. But good luck swinging twenty tons of steel up fifty-three floors, with only Proverbs and Job ringing in your ears! Good luck yelping MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY, and dropping collective when your turbine melts into a solid mass, and then referring, for urgent guidance? To David and Goliath!
The Creator of the Universe in his Wisdom gave us a brain. Discernment. Use it. We are obligated to admit our frailty. Our innocence. Our naivety. And use God’s gifts to learn to see. You and yours do not do so. And worse, you thereby actively enable Forces of Darkness to inflict upon this poor, suffering world, an ever tighter, killer, choke hold. YOU are permitting and enabling tyranny and genocide.
Coming back to the Holocaust? My repeated question was if you believed that ‘six Million Jews’ were murdered by the Germans? What was it you so grandly wrote?
Quote: I absolutely do. Was I there? No. I’ve seen the photos and videos. But – more important – I read God’s Holy Written Word.
You studiously ignored my personal study notes I posted for you. The “Holocaust Normie Challenge List”. There are MANY such, better than mine, easily available on the Internet. You haven’t bothered to look at one single one of them. I invited you to pick ONE SINGLE ITEM from that lengthy list of massive Holocaust sticking points. That expose the whole thing as a crude extortion scam. But I already knew, no, you wouldn’t do it. Your type never do. Millions of you. You don’t have to. You’ve got the Bible. Don’t need History Books. Bring on the skyscraper crane! Twenty tons? Pah…! I’ll swing that steel! And more importantly, I’ll tell the stupid crane driver how to do it, ‘cos I READ THE BIBLE.
I’ve listened to you and yours and long realized that you are intellectually bone-lazy. You are the classic mole, myopic, slow, and comfortable down a deep, dark tunnel.
Do the Historical research! And before you, all hoity-toity, from the heights of your spiritual magnificence, tell me:
Quote: Do what “you” want – but – if I were you? I’d be pondering if my hatred for Israel was really worth my being destroyed by Christ Jesus.
I respectfully suggest you learn from the (admitted), hulking big beam that hangs out of this Sinner’s eye. Relentlessly dragged about, like the fool I admit I am.
You might however consider? If your own tiny splinter, hanging from your eye? Is indeed just a fractional blip.
Or a magnificent tropical rain forest, complete with cascading waterfalls, and Piranha infested, broad Amazonian tributaries. Hanging out of YOUR EYE.
I say all this with kindness and compassion, of course, and I remain your servant,
Moggy Meyrick
The Judaic-Pavlovian Reflex
October 3, 2022 in Investigation & Articles
The Judaic-Pavlovian Reflex
It’s not that so many millions start helplessly slobbering. In the physical sense.
Like Pavlov’s dogs, obediently, when the (dinner) bell starts ringing.
With the Judaic-Pavlovian Reflex, the ‘slobbering’ (on cue) is purely mental.
It is triggered not by a BELL, but by KEY-WORDS.
To wit:
“Jew” (the slightest criticism thereof) BEEEEP! (mind goes to neutral)
“Hitler” (the slightest praise thereof) BEEEEP! (mind blinks off, run-run-run away)
etc, etc.
This phenomenon appears to be inextricably linked to an obsession to get to Heaven, cost what cost, with the minimum of discernment, intellectual effort, or the (tedious) consulting of apparently boring History.
“Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man. A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers.”
I respectfully submit to my fellow believers, that there is ‘meat’ in knowledge, and ‘food’ in intellectual and spiritual reflection…
Not to mention salvation for your beleaguered people and Nation.
About which? You (and I) profess to care so much.
A creaking of the heavy, oak door
September 29, 2022 in Investigation & Articles
A creaking of the heavy, oak door
Occasionally, on special occasions, you will meet, in Life, stout, heavy, oak, doors, that tend to start to creak open (or sometimes, shut).
They do so at a time, seemingly, of their own choosing. Not yours. You might, in that distant, far-back Time, have thought they ushered in a chink of New Light. Fresh Understanding. It is only later in Life, perhaps, that you reluctantly start won-de-ring, if that creaking door? Ushered in, not Light. But, in fact, a whole New type of Darkness. And Doubt. It’s hard to say.
Ah, maybe you don’t follow me. Perhaps, some examples, a select handful, might help.
Thus, in youth, many folk (by no means, all), pass into a state of Soaring Idealism. University students are classic examples. They may mean terribly well. In terms of kindness, charity, empathy and, dare I use that tarnished word? Love. They may study fine philosophies & religions. They may become quiet erudite, in their own way. Puffed up with it, even. Oh, how many of us admired Mahatma Gandhi. His philosophy of non-violence? How many of us maybe read “The Prophet” by the Lebanese poet-philosopher, Kahlil Gibran? And soared away into a gentle, kind, meaningful, lyrical world? How many of us, brimming full of love for humanity, rushed out and volunteered madly in all sorts of good causes? Determined to help create, a better world.
I was one such, soft, fool. I worked with alcoholics & drop-outs, mentally and physically handicapped children, I hugged and I cuddled, and I taught little bastards to build model airplanes. I listened patiently on a suicide hot line. I tilled and I sowed. I meant so well, poor fellow. And then…? One of those damn, stout, oak doors, creaked, slowly, open.
Discretion leads me to omit the Troubled Time and Place. Suffice it to say, there was a sudden explosion of astonishing, brute violence, and that people were getting hurt, badly. There were young people present, even children, caught in a dangerous volley of fire & rain. And I, the committed Pacifist, lurking in the shadows, off to one side, not immediately physically affected, looking on in surprised horror. My first instinct was to leap into the middle of the fray, and plead eloquently for peace. But that stage was already taken. At least three such folk had rushed forward, and were already bravely placing themselves in harm’s way, lobbying back, not bricks and bottles. But fine words, and the best of intentions. I wondered if they would get hurt, and nobly crumple before us, as martyrs to the Cause. And, as before, we could visit them in hospital. Gangs of us. All concerned. They, wrapped in bandages, black eyes, and blood stains. So noble, so brave! And us, almost wishing that it was us lying there, the object of such hushed devotion. The pretty girls, tears in their eyes, their voices quivering. Fluttering about.
And then, alas, that damn oak door. Creaked. Open. And I thought to myself, I thought.
I picked up a billiard cue, and went to work, unashamedly busting heads & knee caps. Sorry, Mahatma. However, Guess what? Smack-in-face, boot-in-nuts, under certain circumstances, works much better than bloody poetry. Broken bottle beats iambic pentameter! And thus was born? The Realization that many people, maybe invaders, in the final analysis, only respect, Strength, and/or PAIN. Everything else, however well-meant? Is misinterpreted as weakness. A frailty. An invitation to take further, full advantage. And I might ask? Is that a MIS-interpretation? That it’s just weakness? Decadence? Or is it a CORRECT interpretation… Applicable to our rapidly crumbling Western Society? Today!
Life was never quite the same after that. I look back on it, knowing I would never again be an honorable, accepted member of that particular troupe of good-hearted, wide-eyed, innocents. In the fullness of Time, I learned to shoot and fight. But more was to come, and a reinforcement, if you wish, of the emotions I felt when first that damn oak door, creaked open. The reinforcement happened when an Old Soldier, one day, seeing my post-conflict silent distress, bade me go with him for a private walk. I initially refused. I wanted to be left alone in my silent, bitter thoughts. But he outranked me, and I had no choice. That above mentioned, heavy, oak door creaked open further, when he spoke words to me I have never forgotten since. I was in my twenties, and he in his fifties. But how right (or wrong?) he was, when he stated an awful truth, (or a terrible lie) in a few, well-chosen, words.
“In war, you cannot see the individual. Only the uniform. Otherwise nothing ever gets done.”
And of course, that ‘uniform’ may not be a formal ‘military’ attire. With rank, insignia, specific color and medals. The innocuous civilian attire may hide behind it, a 5th column enemy soldier more deadly, fierce and pitiless than any. Such soldiers are not Identifiable by a recognized military uniform. But by creed & cruelty. Perhaps a ruthless power ideology, dressed up in the tinsel & glitter of the ‘Divine’. A pseudo-religion, in other words. My Old Soldier friend? Now long dead. Would have instantly recognized many of the stealthy -enemy- players today. And the not-so-stealthy. He would bid me go for a walk, and I can hear his accent, still. Admonishing me not to waste futile, pretty, words. I might add four little words. I shall do so, in italics.
“In war, you cannot see the individual. Only the uniform, or the common thread. Otherwise nothing ever gets done.”
He was right. The West, today? In existential crisis? In a war to the Death, with most STILL not even realizing it? Still fast asleep?
Might do well, as a first step?
To heed the Old Soldier’s words.
Six Quotes from Six Men
September 26, 2022 in Investigation & Articles
Six Quotes from six Men
The ghost of Rich Mountain
September 25, 2022 in Investigation & Articles
Galloping Jews
September 18, 2022 in Investigation & Articles
Galloping Jews
Funny how the keenest Joos
positively, hate to lose
a discussion on the Truth or Nay
of the ‘Six Million Jews’ affray.
Whenever I would like to see
(polite and very sensibly)
their answers to my simple quest
they seem to quickly shirk the test.
Whilst demanding that I must believe
(and wail and sob, and deeply grieve
’bout all those Jews who all went ‘Poof!’)
none will ever show me proof.
Instead, with haste, they gallop off
then at my questions, they all scoff
they claim ‘no interest’ to discuss
an issue ’bout which they all fuss.
I believe there’s at least a little bit
of flat-out, honking, chicken shit
I believe they’re simply all too scared
to see their Hollow Hoax all bared…
A change in tactics
September 16, 2022 in Investigation & Articles