Waking up Bear (intended)
November 24, 2007 in Poetry
Here in the den, tucked slyly away,
Warm for the winter, while snowbirds play,
I sleep here in silence, as most lay at rest,
And dream of the flowers, and the sun on my chest.
I’ll wake in the spring, when things start to growing,
While honey runs smooth, and the wind stops its blowing,
Then poke my head out, to welcome the sun,
Then I’ll go get me some honey ’cause, man…
I’m starvin’! (or maybe a biscuit…)
You’re Such An Animal!
November 23, 2007 in Poetry
Seven o’clock and I’m sitting alone,
Waiting for you to call on the phone.
Long lonely nights without you in my Den,
Thinking about all the mess that I’m in.
That other bear, she meant nothing to me,
Now, Mama bear… how can I make you see!
That even though you don’t think it’s funny,
It’s true… I just wanted her for her honey!
I know that you have so much more to give,
So put down that gun, girl! Please let me live!
I promise that I won’t stray ever again,
And I’ll keep my paws right where they should have been…
If you let me back in the cave you can bet,
I’ll be the best bear that I have been yet.
Besides, now it’s winter. It was my one last fling!
‘Course I’m a bear, (so there’s always next Spring.)
(I’m such an animal!)