Category: Why do I write?

  • Why do I write?

    The Slave Gate Why do I write? Writing is a form of playing an instrument. Absently, plinking away on a guitar. Plucking at a violin. Except when you scribble-write? You are gently testing the lute strings of your heart. Soaring away, in your mind. Leaving the Harsh, False, Plastic Reality that ‘they’ methodically dish up,…

  • Beyond the Garden gate

  • Curiosity: “Introduction “

    An Ode to Curiosity Of all the human attributes, tendencies, motivations or instincts, I applaud what I regard as the great virtue of curiosity. Humans who show little or no curiosity have lost a lot. Curiosity is child’s play. It is a natural gift from whatever Deity you worship or revere. And if you don’t,…