Category: Poetry

  • To My Regular Readers (all two of you)

    So WHY scribble? And dream? Perhaps we just vent the soul? Click HERE Serious? Us two? Sure! Always! Got a pickle sandwich…? In regard to some well-meaning writers and other friends of mine, who seem vexed with my indifference to a whole host of things they seem to prize highly… To wit: advertise on my…

  • Cold Mountain

    Cold Mountain Someone sighed “Cold Mountain sir Your poems possess no sense” I said for the Ancients Poverty was no disgrace To this he answered laughing “Such talk is poorly reasoned” Well sir then be as you are With money your concern. (Han Shan, a.k.a. Cold Mountain, Chinese poet, 8th century) Amused I am That…

  • I crave a drop of solitude

    I CRAVE A DROP OF SOLITUDE I crave a drop of solitude A quietness in my head I sense a need for fortitude Along the coast ahead. I feel bemused and wondering I’m stumbling like two fools I fail to comprehend this Life Or figure out the Rules. Come see the Fool that dances In…

  • After all these Years

    (woke up this morning, and, for what it’s worth, scribbled this in one sitting. True dream…) After all these years After all these years, I miss you still And as if to prove Life’s captive dance This morning in a quiet dream You held me in an iron trance. Still…!, after all this graceless toil…

  • Into this rushing, cyber world

    INTO THIS RUSHING, CYBER WORLD Into this rushing, cyber world, Helter skelter, I got hurled, Screaming like a new born mite Plummeting out into day light. Computers and the World Wide Worry An Arachnid, charging, frantic flurry Flashing pop-pops in my face Vying for my mental space. Is there also plenty hid Concealed beneath an…

  • Barack, Barack, where have you been?

    L’Empereur, c’est moi! Barack, Barack, where have you been? I’ve been to London to see the Queen! Barack, Barack, what did you see? Plenty of people waving at me! Barack, Barack, what did you do? I offered Old Bessie a new hair do! Barack, Barack, why did you blink? Because the old Bat ignored my…

  • Daily Commute

    Daily Commute A cruel cacophony of Life A whirling dervish grinning strife A hostile wall of smoking tires And high compression vapor fires Combustion engines on a roll Uncaring of the human toll. The honking horns and dazzling lights The angry claims to challenged rights Blood pressure boiling through the roof Unable to remain aloof…

  • Nothing (2) – Foremost Love

    Nothing (2) – Foremost Love I watched him frantic, high above, indulging in his foremost love I watched him dash into the road and haul in yet another load. An ancient squirrel gathering nuts a white haired wino hoarding butts a keyboard and a hungry mouse discord in the rich man’s house. I’d rather lie…

  • Nothing

    Nothing The Silence of the early morn’ Yesterday is broke and torn Today is still a distant Dream Thoughts well like a muddy stream I am a mostly empty box I try to fill with borrowed rocks If only I could shut my face I’d make this world a better place.

  • I looked in the mirror this morning

    I looked in the mirror this morning I looked in the mirror this morning, un-fresh out of bed, trying vainly to corral my last few stuttering brain cells flashing feebly in my sleep starved mind, Overcome, I shut my eyes for a second swaying precariously gripping the cold plastic marble edge of the weary, toothpaste…