Stories from back in the 90’s, when I flew helicopters off Taiwanese and Korean tuna boats. These are also available in electronic format, or printed book.
See Amazon, ‘Blip on the Radar”, by Francis Meyrick. If you enjoy the stories, hereby furnished for your enjoyment, maybe please buy the book… It’s cold, sleeping under this f**k’n bridge.

- A Blip on the Radar (part 1) “Staying with the Herd “
- A Blip on the Radar (part 2) “Running the Gauntlet “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 3) “Sunshine “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 4) “Apples and Pears “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 5) “Near-Miss “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 6) “Backflips “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 7) “Routine and Sudden Terror “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 8) “Eyes of Dead Man “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 9) “Deck Boss have Big Problem “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 10) “Burning The Garbage; Moggy, Moggy, what you DO?? “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 11) “Plastic, War, and Manta Rays “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 13) “The Lady in Blue “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 12) ‘No Man is an Island’
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 14) “On Holding Hands, and Smoking Pot “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 15A) “Beautiful American Film Star “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 15B) “Beautiful American Film Star “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 16) “Shithouse Etiquette “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 17) “Barking Mad; Moggy, Moggy, what you DO?? “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 18) “Starry, starry night “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 19) “Pilot-not-in-command; Moggy, Moggy, what DID I just do…?? “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 20) “Only the Idiots “
- A Blip on the Radar (21) “Flipping the Bird “
- A Blip on the Radar (22) “He not like to eat with crew “
- A Blip on the Radar (23A) “Birth of a Psychopath “
- A Blip on the Radar (23B) “Eggs and Psychopaths “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 24 A) “I have control!…JESUS! “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 24B) “What I mean is that some people do stupid shit… “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 24C) “A local jolly “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 24D) “I’m good. I don’t need your help. “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 24E) “What did you do THAT for…? “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 25) “Floored by a Russian Hooker “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 26) “The Funny Guy “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 27A) “Musing about Mother Earth “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 27B) “The Quiet Observer “
- A Blip on the Radar (Blip 34) “Die with the Dolphins (1) “
- A Blip on the Radar (Blip# 35) “Die with the Dolphins (2) “
- A Blip on the Radar (part 29A) The Hookers are coming
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 29B) An Old Sailor’s Poem
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 29C) Hotel Excelsior
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 28) “The Immarsat Problem “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 30) The Grease Monkey
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 31) ” A Strange Premonition “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 32) “An Unusual Passenger “
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 33) Fly Quietly, for our Friends lie there
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 36) All our Mother
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 37) – The Pilot who hated me
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 38) – The Missing Fisherman
- A Blip on the Radar (Part 38B) – The Fisherman’s Legacy
- A Blip on the Radar (39) “I could have been a Librarian “
- A Blip on the Radar (40) “The Duel “
- A Blip on the Radar (41) “Dropping a Missile “
- A Blip on the Radar (42A) “The Peacemaker who tried – Part 1 “
- A Blip on the Radar (42B) “The Peacemaker who tried – Part 2 “
- A Blip on the Radar (43) “Vertical Flight without a Helicopter “